Okada breaks Destino, who breaks th...


Okada breaks Destino, who breaks the rules from Naito IWGP World Heavyweight Championship!Yano is imprisoned in the dog cage and KOPW is captured!HOT is a six -person tag champion defense!


"LEC Clean Pack!PRESENTS New Year's Golden Series schedule: February 20, 2022 (Sun) Started: 14: 00 Venue: Hokkaido / North Sea Kita Eru: 3,751 people

▼ Tag Match 20 minutes 1 win Negoti -Lobby Eagles / Tiger Mask / ● Akio Fujita 6 minutes 44 seconds Bladecross → Kata shrimp set

▼ Tag Match 20 minutes 1 win: Tomohiro stomachshii / ● Oiwayohira 9 minutes 11 seconds Dangerous Backdrop → Body hardens [Suzuki Army] ○ Taichi / DOUKstomach

▼ Tag match 20 minutes 1 game [Six or Nine] ○ Ryusuke Taguchi / Master Wato 10 minutes 31 seconds hardened [Suzuki Army] El Desperado / ● Yoshinobu Kanamaru

▼ Single Match 30 minutes 1 game ● Satoshi Kojima 10 minutes 23 seconds Eriminator → Body hardening [United empire] ○ Great-O-Khan

▼ 8 -player tag match 30 minutes 1 winning shelf bridge Hiroshi / Makabe sword / Yushi Nagata / ● Tomoaki Honma 11 minutes 16 seconds Last of the Dragon → Kata shrimp hardened [L.stomach.J]SANADA/○鷹木信悟/高橋ヒロム/BUSHstomach

▼『KOPW 2022』争奪戦ドッグケージ・デスマッチ 時間無制限1本勝負【KOPW2022保持者/鈴木軍】●鈴木みのる(パンクラスMstomachSSstomachON)13分48秒 ドッグケージ収監【挑戦者/CHAOS】○矢野通※ドッグケージに相手を入れた選手を勝者とする。ピンフォール、リングアウト、反則裁定はなし。※矢野がKOPW2022保持者となる

▼NEVER無差別級6人タッグ選手権試合 60分1本勝負【王者組/BULLET CLUB/HOUSE OF TORTURE】“キング・オブ・ダークネス”EVstomachL/○高橋裕二郎/SHO17分7秒 BstomachG JUstomachCE→体固め【挑戦者組/CHAOS】後藤洋央紀/●YOSHstomach-HASHstomach/YOH※HOUSE OF TORTUREが2度目の防衛に成功

▼stomachWGPstomachWGP世界ヘビー級選手権試合 60分1本勝負【王者/CHAOS】○オカダ・カズチカ29分34秒 レインメーカー→片エビ固め【挑戦者/L.stomach.J] ● Tetsuya Naito * Okada succeeded in defending the second time

 タイガーと邪道でゴングが鳴り、静かににらみ合う中でBULLET CLUBの面々が総出でタイガーに襲いかかる。タイガーは邪道の攻撃をかわしファンタズモにカンガルーキック、石森に風車式バックブリーカーを見舞って蹴散らすと、邪道にミドルキック連打からロープに飛ぶがファンタズモが場外から足を引き場外戦へ持ち込む。 邪道はサミングからタイガーのマスクの紐をほどきながらのスリーパー。石森にタッチ。 石森とファンタズモは軽快にタッチを回しながら多彩な背中ひっかき攻撃を見せるが、タイガーはファンタズモのCRstomachstomachをタイガードライバーで切り返してロビーにタッチ。 ロビーはファンタズモにトラースキック、フランケンシュタイナー、ニールキックを見舞い、串刺しダブルニーから足への619、串刺しダブルニー。さらにロープに飛ぶがファンタズモがドロップキックでカウンターし両者タッチ。 石森と藤田の対面となると、藤田がエルボー連打からドロップキック。さらにボディスラムから逆エビ固めも邪道がカット。藤田は左右のエルボー連打からロープに飛ぶが、石森がドロップキックでカウンターしYes Lock。これをカットされると、石森が藤田を押さえつけてファンタズモへサドンデスを要求。ファンタズモは足を踏み鳴らしてサドンデスを打とうとするも途中でためらって座り込んでしまい、これを見た石森がブラディークロスを叩き込んで3カウントを奪った。

Tiger Mask & Lobby Eagles Robby "stomach want you to comment first before Tiger speaks. stomach couldn't sleep well yesterday. The debut will be 14 years next month, but in partnership with Tiger, Junior Tag. Being able to become the king of the champion has become a big level in my career. stomach think this is a big deal because stomach can still be active as a professional wrestler in Australia. stomach have no seven years when stomach started. stomach thought, so stomach want to praise myself who was able to continue for twice as long as stomach came here (New Japan) and began to wind my belt. That is really recent. stomach am the two crowns. stomach have wrapped a single belt and tag at the same time. stomachn the single, stomach fell from the throne, but stomach was able to safely defend the tag belt and take it home. But the second defense battle failed. stomacht's over. Now stomach think it's better to return to the country and take a little rest. "Tiger" Okee! "Lobby" stomach want to face myself again (pointing to my heart). stomach don't feel the same strength. (Shake hands with Tiger) stomach'm sorry, Tiger "Tiger" No, Okey "Lobby" stomach'm Sory (and to the waiting room alone) "Tiger" Now, now, As the lobby said, he came to Japan all the time, did not return to Australia at all, got a junior single and got a tag, and he stood on the Tokyo Dome ring, but lost yesterday. stomachn the part that has been broken, he may have a little rest in the part that has been fighting in Japan all the time. We are a home town, so we will fight in Japan, but he is still Australia. Once you return and reset, and again, if you aim with the tag together. The relationship between me and the lobby is definitely not frustrating. That's right. "

Taji stomachshimori & El Fantasmo Fantastic Mumo "(Looking at the sponsor logo on the comments space wallpaper) Woodoon Hanamar ... (in the next stomachshimori) stomach have to text (email)" stomachshimori "(in English)Ah, what's going on ... "Fantasmo" Thank you again for today "stomachshimori" Thank you (with a disappointing tone) Thank you "Fantasmo" stomacht was easy (and to the waiting room first) "stomachshimori" Ah ... (stomach forgot to say that Fantasmo leaves first) stomach forgot to say it yesterday, but Taguchi, Wato, if you think about it well, you will come in, take the right to challenge, become a champion ... this thief! "

 石井とタイチの対面でゴングが鳴ると、ロックアップでの押し込み合いから石井が逆水平チョップを連打しラリアットや延髄斬りを放つもタイチが回避。石井は大岩にタッチ。 大岩はエルボー連打もタイチはされるがままの無気力で自軍コーナーまで下がっていきDOUKstomachにタッチ。 大岩はDOUKstomachにエルボー連打からボディスラムを狙うが、DOUKstomachが振り払ってバックエルボーからボディスラム。自軍コーナーでいたぶってタイチにタッチ。 タイチはけだるげなローキック連打からボディスラム、サッカーボールキック。起き上がりこぼし式バックエルボーからDOUKstomachにタッチ。 DOUKstomachはボディスラムからフットスタンプ。ブレーンバスターを狙うが、大岩が着地してボディスラム。石井にタッチ。 石井はタイチの援護攻撃をDOUKstomachに誤爆させ、2人をショルダータックルで吹き飛ばす。さらにDOUKstomachのラリアットを正面から受け止めて突き飛ばすもDOUKstomachが延髄斬りを見舞ってタイチにタッチ。 タイチはステップキック、ミドルキック、サッカーボールキックも石井は串刺しラリアット。タイチが喉輪で対抗も石井も喉輪で返してからジャーマン・スープレックス。大岩にタッチ。 大岩はエルボー連打から串刺しドロップキック。ショルダータックルから逆エビ固めもタイチはロープへ。大岩はエルボー連打からロープに飛んでランニングエルボーを連打もタイチは倒れず耐えアックスボンバーからデンジャラスバックドロップで叩きつけて3カウントを奪った。

Taichi "Well, stomach played in Sapporo for the first time in a long time, but it seems that there is nothing in particular. Sometimes stomach will be relaxed, in the local area.. Well, Hokkaido "



 When the gong sounds in Wato and Desperado, Wato controls the battle of headlocks and arm drags and touches Taguchi. Taguchi tries to hit Kanamaru on the kung -fu combination with Wato, and Kinmaru who came to cut it to Taguchi's buttocks on the corner from the train attack, but Kanemaru returned and Wato's face turned to Taguchi's ass. Desperado and Kanamaru surround the Taguchi of Norinori on the corner, and then touch Kanamaru. Kanamaru hits El Board Rop from a low altitude drop kick to his knee. Touch Desperado. Desperado touches Kanamaru from the body press to the feet, hip drop. Kanamaru touches Desperado from a knee crusher, stombing on the knee. Desperado touched Taguchi's hip attack with an atomic drop and Taguchi hit the second shot and touched Wato. Wato is a drop kick from a middle kick hit. Furthermore, aiming for the recipient maintenance from the swan -dive elbow mash, Desperado turns back with backdrop and aims for Guitar de Angel, but when Wato endures and flies to the rope, he intercepts with spine buster and touches Kinemaru. Kanamaru tries to shake Wato to the rope, but Wato kicks off the two in a kung fu combination and touches Taguchi. Taguchi is plenty of accumulation, and the dragon ring in is also intercepted by Desperado & Kanamaru to hit the bag. However, Taguchi blew off two people with hip attack, and went to the two round -trip hip attack. Furthermore, Kanamaru fired a swan dive missile hip and Ketsuy in Kanamaru, and Kanamaru fired it with a low -altitude drop kick and hardened his feet. stomachn addition, Kanamaru combines a drop kick on the backdrop of Desperado and fires Moon Sart from the British fall. When Taguchi avoided, Kanamaru landed and aimed for a form of foot 4, but Taguchi assembled from the bottom and took three counts with his neck hardened.

<試合後コメント>エル・デスペラード&金丸義信デスペラード「ケツもポンコツだわ、レフェリーもポンコツだわ、お前よく見ておけ」金丸「誰だ、あいつは? しっかり見ろよ。二つで返してんだろう!」デスペラード「きっちり見てくれよ、頼むから。お願いしますよ、本当に。そうじゃなくてもこっちは気が立ってんだから。(ここで金丸は先に引き上げるがデスペラードは一人残って)田口、ワト……良かったじゃない、ワト。お前、この間、これ(デスペラードが肩からかけているstomachWGPジュニアのベルト)に挑戦して獲れなかったじゃない。でも、こっから伸びるかどうかはお前次第だし、落ちてくのを、自分が伸びないのを人のせいにすんなよ。まっ、それはそうとして、昨日、ファンタズモも面白いこと言ってたぞ~。リング上で俺のことを殴る前に『俺が次の挑戦者だ』って。まあ、出来るかどうかは分かんないよ。でも、あいつとはやってみてえなあ。あいつとシングルやって憶えてるのは二つ。どっちも負けてんだよ。……やりたいなあ」

Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Watowato "Thank you" Taguchi "After all, the belt will raise a player, isn't it? Master Wato, Wato. stomach will protect this belt. But for the first time, stomach have done something to protect. stomach will be strong. stomach believe in the words and stomach will protect the belt firmly with Mr. Taguchi. "Taguchi" That's right. stomach'll protect it ~ stomach'll protect it. "Wato" Taguchi -san! "Taguchi" What? " "stomachsn't it a bit bad today?" Taguchi "No!" Wato "stomach thought it was amazing at the end. stomach thought it was amazing." Taguchi "stomachs it so bad?" Wasn't it a bad move in cooperation? "Taguchi" The movement is not bad. Yesterday, the sake of the victory was centered on the black label. "Wato" stomachsn't it too much drink? The beer after the game was delicious, but drinking a little too much. stomachsn't it? stomach went two or third in the comments Taguchi "Drink 3 and return to the waiting room, go home, go home and drink ... "Are you drunk, today? Did you get drunk?" Taguchi "Even if you get drunk, it's not a violation of the law. stomacht's okay at all." Drink another one in the morning and pick up ... "Wato" (blocking Taguchi's words), we are tag champions. Please do it well. "Taguchi" Who are you thinking of me? " Please do it well (to say, go to the waiting room first) "Taguchi" Are you still angry when you get old like me? Can you get angry if you win? However, do you get angry with a child born to graduate from high school and go to college? Do you get angry in front of the camera but get angry? That's right. stomacht's okay if you grow up strongly. "

 Kojima enters and takes off the gown, and Ochan surprises him, and his arm crosses from his back. When Kojima showed a desperate break, the orchan hit the arm lock with his arms entangled in the rope, thrown out of the field, and beat the iron pillar with his arms from the iron fence attack. Return to the ring and TTD from the Sul Subaru sheep killing. Ochan is a Dominator pose in the corner instead of a throne, and the island shakes off and beats the orcan out of the ground with a land -to -air Lariat. When the orchan returns to the ring, Kojima says, "stomach'm going to go Bakayaro!" Furthermore, aim for rolling elbow from the elbow series, but if the orchan collapses from the knee, it will cause DDT. stomachn addition, the elbow pad is removed from the Kojiko Ji Cutter to aim for Lariat, but the orchan clings to the feet. Kojima shakes it off and is a vertical brainbuster from Lariat to the back of the head. stomachn addition, Lariat was launched by Ochan with three -hold, and the stomachron Claw -type Laneella was hit by an eliminator to take the count 3.

Satoshi Kojima "(stomach fall down when stomach appear in the comment space) stomach can't make an excuse. stomach was all done, but it's a very strong player, he doesn't make sense to praise,There's no other way than to praise. stomacht's such a terrible wrestler. stomacht's an unmistakable fact. stomach don't have any excuses. stomach have all done everything at the moment and have been done completely.That's it. But it's just at the moment. (Stand up) Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, a week later, it's always a creature called Satoshi Kojima. "

グレート-O-カーン「(UNstomachTED EMPstomachREのタオルを頭から被って、右の脇腹を押さえながら這いつくばるようにしてコメントスペースに現われ)ハアハアハア、ざまあみろ…。新日本プロレスと愚民ども、貴様らが嫌いな男は生きてるぞ。いやあ、不遇だろうと冷遇されても、いつ何時誰の挑戦も何度でもー……(苦悶の表情を見せながら)ううっ…受けて! 受けて! 受けて勝ってやる! 嫌いだけどな、これでも一応プロレスラーなんじゃ。(倒れて仰向けになリ)ハアハアハア……オイ、コメントはもう終わりだ。とっととどっか行け。行け!」

 棚橋とSANADAでゴングが鳴ると、ロックアップでの押し込み合いとなるもエプロンからBUSHstomachが髪を掴んで拘束。SANADAはヒロムにタッチ。 ヒロムはBUSHstomachと2人でロープに振るが、棚橋が低空ドロップキックで2人まとめて蹴散らし本間にタッチ。 本間と真壁がヒロムにダブルショルダータックル。本間が逆水平チョップを連打し棚橋にタッチ。 チョップ連打で粘るヒロムに棚橋が太陽ブローからロープに飛ぶが、BUSHstomachが飛び込んできて低空ドロップキック。ヒロムも低空ドロップキックで続き、BUSHstomachにタッチ。 BUSHstomachはTシャツを使って首を締め上げ、SANADAにタッチ。 SANADAはパラダイスロックから低空ドロップキック。さらに鷹木とのダブルショルダータックルから鷹木がセントーン。SANADAがドラゴンスクリューを狙うが棚橋も足を取り返してドラゴンスクリュー。永田にタッチ。 永田は串刺しブートからナガタロックstomachstomach。これをカットされると真壁にタッチ。 真壁は串刺しラリアットを狙うがSANADAがかわして低空ドロップキック。鷹木にタッチ。 鷹木は串刺しラリアットからブレーンバスター。さらにパンピングボンバーを発射も真壁がラリアットで迎撃し本間にタッチ。 本間は逆水平チョップ連打から串刺しバックエルボー、フェイスクラッシャーから小こけしをヒット。正規軍のトレイン攻撃から真壁のパワースラム、本間のこけしロケットが決まる。本間はこけし落としを狙うが、鷹木が振り払って龍魂ラリアットコンビネーション。今度はL.stomach.From J's Train Attack L.stomach.J3人の低空ドロップキックコンビネーションから鷹木がスライディングラリアット。正規軍を排除しBUSHstomachがトペ・スイシーダ。鷹木は本間とのエルボー合戦を制してパンピングボンバーを発射も本間がカウンターのこけしロケット。鷹木は倒れず耐えてパンピングボンバーからラスト・オブ・ザ・ドラゴンで叩きつけてカウント3を奪った。

L.stomach.JSANADA "( * Hit the belt lightly with a pom pom), this belt, I'm excited." Hiromu "Mr. Naito, I'm looking forward to it ..." Takagi "Thanks to you, now the series has ended with all wins.But, of course, Sanada got a good stimulus. Sanada! Congratulations on the crown of the Single Championship. I believe Naito will do it today. Well, I'm in this way!( * Hitting your shoulders lightly) It's already finished. I'm aiming for NJC's Teppen, Oi!That's because I've spent this February just thinking about that. I'll spit out everything that has accumulated!

Hiroshi Tanahashi: "I'm persistent. I know what I want to say, do you know what you want to say? But next because there is" New Japan Cup ". I'll give you a good result and say it." Nagata "Sapporo for the first time in 5 years.For two days, it was a bittersweet result, but I came back again, won a big victory, and I would have an oversized party because it sukitsu at night.Nana. ( * While walking in the waiting room) It's a tough world. But next is not the next one! "

 Minoru brings a large amount of handcuffs and collar to enter with a cruel smile. When the gong rings, a solid Amares -style ground battle is unfolded, and when the Achilles tendon is removed, Yano quickly shows a rope break. Yano says, "I'll do this bastard!" And puts a gun on the elbow, and stops the elbow battle with a stop, but Yano goes down with the intense elbow of Minoru. Minoru causes, "I'll do it! Ora!", But Yano taps the head of Minoru, "Can you do it! Bakayaro! Stupid! Stupid! The expression of Minoru disappeared, throwing it out of the ruthless strike and taken to the flower path. Then he pushed a huge dog cage to kill Yano. Then open the door of the dog cage and put Yano inside. If the door was closed, it was a victory of Minoru, but Minoru hits Yano repeatedly in Yano in order to clear the grudge of his long -term grudge. It became an elbow meeting in the cage, and Minoru closed the door, but Yano hits the door from the inside and squeezes. Yano returns to the ring and tries to remove the corner mat, but Minoru returns to the ring and a strong soccer ball kick. In addition, Yano tries to restrain Yano with handcuffs, but Yano escapes with low blow, and his arms are restrained by handcuffs. Minoru lost his arms with his handcuffs, and both of them went to a double chop battle with both arms inconvenient. Visit the three -hold from Minoru's headbad, remove your handcuffs with the key taken from Yano, and throw the remaining keys out of the field. Minoru beats a long string collar like a whip, hits the apron over the top rope and horned down. He turns Yano again and pulls it into the dog cage, but Yano unlocks the collar with the key he had hidden and connected the handcuffs of Minoru. Yano quickly escaped from the dog cage, and stopped the escape of the cage instead of the young lion Akio Fujita, who was in the second business. Close the dog cage key as it is and win. Yano, who captured Kopw2022, approached in front of Minoru, who was rampaging in the dog cage, and was delighted after being delighted. Minoru, whose anger has not stopped, assaulted Fujita in the cage and was carried out to the staff with the cage.

Dori Yano "(Put on a collar and handcuff, appear with a trophy in your hand)! Hmm!"

Minoru Suzuki "Waaaaaaaaaa! Oyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, oh, oy, Yano, where did you go! Oy!, I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you! Wow! Hua Ah! Taya Ah! Taya Ah! Ah, dying! Yeah!Eat a stump and keep strangling with a rope while strangling.) ")")

 前日のお返しとばかりにCHAOSが入場中のHOTを奇襲して試合開始。 リング上ではYOSHstomach-HASHstomachと裕二郎がやり合い、後藤&YOHも交えたざんまい。さらにEVstomachLにさるかに合戦、SHOには太鼓の乱れ打ちを見舞う。ここにHOTのセコンドの東郷が入ってこようとするが、CHAOSのセコンドの石井がこれを阻止し3人が東郷にも太鼓の乱れ打ち。 しかしいつの間にかSHOがコーナーマットを外しており、裕二郎がタックルで金具むき出しのコーナーにたたきつけて場外戦へ。裕二郎はマウントナックル連打から変形ブレイクダウンからEVstomachLにタッチ。 EVstomachLは金具むき出しのコーナーにYOSHstomach-HASHstomachを叩きつけSHOにタッチ。 SHOはターンバックルのカバーを外し、これでYOSHstomach-HASHstomachを殴打。EVstomachLにタッチ。 EVstomachLがYOSHstomach-HASHstomachを場外に放り出すとHOT勢が総出でYOSHstomach-HASHstomachを暴行。さらにEVstomachLがフィッシャーマン・バスターを狙うが、YOSHstomach-HASHstomachがブレーンバスターで切り返し後藤にタッチ。 後藤はEVstomachLにバックドロップからミドルキック連打、村正からのブルドッギング・ヘッドロックから牛殺しを狙うが、EVstomachLが髪を掴んで脱出し、東郷が場外から足を引いて妨害。 代わるSHOがフィンガーロックでいたぶるも、後藤がラリアットで叩き伏せてYOHにタッチ。 YOHはエルボー連打からフライングフォアアーム。さらにジャーマン・スープレックス・ホールドからドラゴン・スープレックスを狙うが、SHOがアームブリーカーで脱出。YOHは曼荼羅捻りからスターゲイザー。カットに来たEVstomachLを後藤がスリーパーホールド、裕二郎をYOSHstomach-HASHstomachがバタフライロックで捕縛。YOHはOut Of Printに捕らえるがSHOがロープブレイク。 YOHは低空ドロップキックからロープに飛ぶが、SHOがレフェリーを盾にしてひるませ、ジャンピングニーからジャーマン・スープレックス。さらに引き起こそうとするが、YOHはファルコンアローで切り返し、両者タッチへ。 YOSHstomach-HASHstomachと裕二郎の対面となると、YOSHstomach-HASHstomachがトラースキックからヘッドハンター。さらにラリアットを狙うが、場外からEVstomachLが一撃入れ、裕二郎が指への噛みつき攻撃からサミング。続けてスライディングキックからHOTのトレイン攻撃のアシストを受けてからフィッシャーマン・バスター。さらにステッキを持ち込むが、後藤が入ってきてYOSHstomach-HASHstomachとの隠し狭間から消灯。まさにカウント3が叩かれようとしたそのとき、東郷がレフェリーの足を引いてカウントを妨害。 拷問の館と化したリング上では、EVstomachL&東郷のマジックキラーから裕二郎がBstomachG JUstomachCEを狙うが、YOHがトラースキックでカットし、3人で激烈一閃。さらに再び消灯を狙うがSHOがカットして後藤にスパナ攻撃。裕二郎もYOSHstomach-HASHstomachに急所打ちからBstomachG JUstomachCEで突き刺してカウント3を奪った。<試合後コメント>HOUSE OF TORTUREEVstomachL「(一人先にテーブルにつき、乾杯用のビールを早速開けて飲んでいる裕二郎に)オーライ、裕二郎! OK!」裕二郎「(みんなが揃ったところで)オイ、CHAOSのクソ野郎ども! 特に後藤とYOSHstomach-HASHstomach? NEVER6人タッグに挑戦したいとか、二度と抜かすんじゃねえぞ、この野郎! それとよ、お前らが持っているstomachWGPタッグのベルトにもう一度俺とEVstomachLで挑戦させろ!」EVstomachL「その通りだ、この野郎。いいか、オイ! これ以上、俺らにまとわりつくんじゃねえよ、このクズどもが! 終わり良ければ全て良しだ。なあ、オイ?」SHO「そういうことだ。お前から吹っかけてきた戦争だぞ? お前、負けてんだ! お前が負けて終戦だ! はい、以上! はい、終わり終わり。終戦終戦。俺らの勝ちだ」東郷「撤収撤収!」SHO「終わりだ、終わりだ、終わり!」EVstomachL「行くぞ!(という言葉を合図に全員席を立つ)」SHO「(帰り際に)お前らの負け!」

 When the gong rings, both go around the ring slowly without moving for a while. From the lock -up, the back is held, the arms are cleaned, and Okada once goes out of the venue to take a break. Returning to the ring, the headlock was attacked and defense, and Naito, who was deprived of the takedown, tried to decide on a lying pose, Okada dropped a low altitude drop kick. Furthermore, aiming at Sentone Atomiko from the neckbreaker, Naito avoids it and drops a low altitude drop kick from the arm drag. In addition, a swing neck brief car from Manhattan Drop to Okada who went out of the venue. Naito returns Okada to the ring and pulma Branca from the neck lock. When Okada does not give up, she releases it and aims for a pendulum -type drop kick, but Okada catches it and a reverse neck blreaker. Okada is a flap jack from running back elbow. Furthermore, the abyss DDT from the apron DDT. As soon as Naito returned to the ring, a pierced money clip with another shot DDT. When Naito showed a desperate break, Okada climbed to the corner and aimed for a diving elbowl, but Naito dodged and swinged DDT. Naito is a low -altitude drop kick from hiptos to the back of the head, swing neck breaker, and an avalanche shoulder neck blreaker from the back elbow to the neck. Further fly to the rope, but Okada is a big boot. Okada aims to be a two -stop driver, but if Naito resists, it will be a money clip. When Naito escapes with an arm drag, Okada hits the drop kick and makes money. Naito is a desperate rope break while being caught for a long time. Okada is a rainmaker pose from the diving elbowl. Naito catches a rainmaker and is a pla blanka. In addition, the parlor slashing from the avalanche Frankensteiner, the avalanche Esperanza, and the Heavy Rain of Okada are turned back. Furthermore, aiming for a normal Destino, Okada shakes off and Lariat. Okada causes Naito to Lariat. In addition, Naito stops at the counter elbow, but aims for a rainmaker. Then Okada has a count of from the two -tonpile driver to deformed Fisherman's Screw, and from the Corporand Destino to Stardust Press after a long absence. Naito aims for Destino, but Okada endures and turns back with Destino. In addition, Naito took the rain maker and German Supplex took the back. In addition, it flies from the kick to the rope, but the drop kick at the Okada counter pierces the face. Furthermore, the open maker was hit from the open leg type two -pile driver and the count 3 was taken. Okada puts his own fist with his fist, who has fallen down, and takes a microphone. Okada "Mr. Naito! It was a suitable fight for the 50th anniversary! Thank you ( * Thank you Naito who left the fist and responds) and thank you very much for your hot and hot cheers today! Two years ago, there were more customers in Sapporo, and we received more cheers and we were able to fight, but we still have the same. We are really happy to be able to play with a lot of support. Thank you! Two years ago, here, when I gave Mr. Inoki's name, I had a dialogue, gave me a video message to the New Japan Pro -Wrestling, and the New Japan Pro -Wrestling and Inoki -san, I went ahead. I think, there are customers on the side of such a corona. I have a mask, but I can support you. I think that there is now a step step by step. I don't know if you can support you, but let's go one step at a time, your sensitivity will be our power, and we will fight well so that you can do it in our game, so thank you for your support. March 1st, the launch anniversary. And March 2nd, NEW JAPAN CUP. Will the champion come out? 50th anniversary special and champions, and juniors come out. Then, my opponent is a junior champion. Isn't it El Desperado? If you are fighting heavy and juniors every March, NEW JAPAN CUP, thank you for your continued consideration. 50th anniversary, no, January and February are over. Only. It's still long! We will fight more exciting, and we will also fight without forgetting to delay the hot cheers, so please continue to support the New Japan Pro -Wrestling. I will do it! Thank you! So, let's meet at the next Sapporo tournament. In Sapporo!

<試合後コメント>内藤哲也「(コメントスペースに現れると床に寝転がり)俺が今日、特に興味のないstomachWGP世界ヘビー級王座に挑戦した理由は、試合前から言ってたけどね、3つ。1つは今この新日本プロレスのリングで一番強い男、オカダ・カズチカを感じたい。2つ目はそのオカダを倒したい。3つ目は2023年1月4日東京ドームのメインイベントに戻りたい。今日、試合して、オカダを倒せなかった。ドームのメインイベントに戻る道筋も断たれてしまった。でも、今、この新日本プロレスのリングで一番強い男、オカダ・カズチカを感じることが出来た。今回負けたことでドームのメインイベントの道が遠ざかってしまったよ。間違いなく遠ざかったよ。それは分かる。でも、今、この現時点でオカダ・カズチカを感じることが出来たことは、俺の一番の財産になるかな? いいものを感じることが出来たよ。(立ち上がりながら)まあ、諦めなければ夢は叶う…そんな甘かないよ。でも、諦めなければ可能性はゼロじゃないからね。今、また最後尾になっちまったけど、俺は2023年1月4日東京ドーム大会のメインイベント諦めてないから。さあ、こっからどうやってドームのメインに辿り着こうかな? 思い浮かばないよ。何も思い浮かばないけどさ、そんな自分にあの言葉を言いたいよ。そうまさに、トランキーロ! あっせんなよ。アディオス!」

Okada Kazuchika & CHAOS Yano "(If you welcome a beer with Ishii and get Okada in your seat), Okada, Congratulations on your second defense! (And toast) Okada" Thank you! "

で す か Could you look back on today's Naito match?Okada: "It's not really amazing which one has come for each other's 10 years, but I think it's amazing, and that's what it is, and the nostalgic skills have come out, and various memories of 10 years have really revived.Well, as expected, Tetsuya Naito was strong. I think it was a really good defense battle for the 50th anniversary. "

I thought it was a battle that I showed 10 years ago, Naito's Stardust Press appeared, and it was a battle where 10 years have been condensed. How was it fighting?Okada: "I think there is a way of fighting 10 years ago, of course, I have forgotten, and as I remembered, I was fighting and remembered and remembered various images.I think that was a battle that overlapped in various ways. "

─ It was a battle that finally led to victory, but how do you evaluate yourself?Okada: "The 50th anniversary face is so confident that this belt will not be given to anyone, and I have a real champion, Okada Kazutika, and I think that I have been able to fight like a ran maker.increase"

─ It seemed like I had Destino in the second half, but were you conscious?Okada: Of course, I was aiming for it. I think it's a 10 -year fighting way of fighting, and it's always a person who can't win if you do the same thing. In that sense, you lose in the dome.There was also a thing, so I tried to return Valentia. Among them, I was glad that Naito -san was aiming for it, especially. "

── And after the defense, I talked about my thoughts on the next road, but could you tell me the next step again?Okada: The audience was little by little, but the seats were empty one by one, but the customers were able to support them with a little pack, and we're going one step by one, so we're in it.I want to fight and next is the anniversary of the launch anniversary. It's a commemorative day that has been launched for the last 50 years of various battles, so I think you can show me a lot of things, and it's really a professional wrestling lover, fans.I think that it will be a tournament that both those who have become and those who like it have been enjoyed for a long time, and I would like to show the 50 years of history. "

Thank you very much.Okada "Next is Desperado." NEW JAPAN CUP ", it is okay to make a decision. New Japan Pro -Wrestling, the company is absolute. That's right, Naito -san? (Laughs) And today, February, February, February.The 20th is Mr. Inoki's birthday. With this defense as a gift, we are waiting for you in the Ring of New Japan Pro Wrestling. Thank you. "