Pay attention to Fintech service "F...


Pay attention to Fintech service "FUNDS", which can lend money to famous companies and earn interest!Can be invested from 1 yen

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Fintech service is Finds (Funds), which is surprisingly known (?), But to pay attention to solid investors.This "FUNDS" is a mechanism in which "general investors can indirectly lend to companies and get interest."It is a new investment method that is different from corporate bonds, so let's check the details.

* All the information described in this article is at the time of the article creation.Please check the latest information.

Funds mechanism and characteristics

Investors can indirectly lend to companies by investing in funds recruited by FUNDS, and receive their interest payments as distributions.

Investments are limited to listed companies or audit firm audits, and are limited to companies that have been performed by the FUNDS screening department.In other words, all investments are "double -checked companies by experts."This has a sense of security.

The worrisome thing is, "What is the actual yield?" "What kind of company can you invest?"Let's take a look at the examples.

有名企業にお金を貸して利息を稼げるフィンテックサービス『Funds(ファンズ)』に注目! 1円から投資可能

At the time of the article creation, the operation has ended, but "LEDNY Online Lending Fund #1" has 6 % of the scheduled yield (annual rate and tax).This has successfully completed the operation for about 4 months.

One of the interesting things that I have been working for a long time in the Internet industry was that Freakout, a famous ad tech, was on investment.Because it is a famous company in this industry, I thought it was attractive to be able to invest there.

Some companies were familiar with gyoza, such as "Osaka King Shogun".

The investment targets vary depending on the time, so please check the latest information from "Find Fund" on the page.

The interesting thing about FUNDS is that there is a special treatment system.In the previous example of Osaka King, I got a "10%off investor special discount coupon".

In recent years, there have been special treatments for individuals for individuals, but "FUNDS" has not been overtaken.From an investor's point of view, it is welcome that these competitions are expanding.It's nice that Fintech's rise and healthy competition accelerates.

There is no fee.All accounts, investment, withdrawal from deposit accounts, etc. are all free.However, the transfer fee for transferring money from the financial institution used by the user must be borne by yourself.

You can invest from 1 yen.However, if the amount of funds is small, distribution may not occur, so if you try to invest for less than 1,000 yen, it will be alerted that "the distribution amount may not occur".Basically, it is OK if you consider "investing from 1,000 yen or more per case" as a guide.

The results of "FUNDS" at the time of article creation are as follows.


"FUNDS" application can be done at a minimum of 5 minutes, so if you are interested, please check it out.

*Source: Funds*Article Category: Technology technology.Some sales from the URL described on this site may be returned to the creator.This article introduces technology trends and is not an advice on solicitation or investment of financial products.Please check with each business operator at your own risk for details of the transaction conditions.