Just put vegetables in water to rem...


Just put vegetables in water to remove pesticide residue, wireless underwater purifier "DOMOD" company release

Category: Product service

野菜を水に入れるだけで残留農薬除去、ワイヤレス水中浄化機「Domod」 企業リリース

Release issuance company: Hong Kong Falling Sea Extreme Corporation Hongkong Yangming Sea Technology Co., Limited

マイクロナノバブル&OH(ヒドロキシル)ラジカル発生技術を搭載。Y&Y STORE(香港揚名出海科技有限会社の関連会社)は、本日2021年8月19日(木)12時よりワイヤレス水中浄化機「Domod」の応援購入プロジェクトを、GREEN FUNDINGにて開始しました。商品ページ:https://greenfunding.JP/Triple-L/PROJECTS/5169 New technology removes vegetable residue pesticides, can be removed by bacteria and hormonal agents! IPX7 Wireless underwater purifier "DOMOD new technology! OH radical occurs by discharge of OH radicals is generated by decomposing ozon in water, but one OH radical is generated from three ozone. Because it is done, the production efficiency is low. "DOMOD" is seeking higher production efficiency, so by charging the micronano bubble, the OH radicals are generated and the efficiency is highly efficient at the moment the bubbles burst. rice field. Point 1: Ultra -fine bubbles micronano bubble, compared to human pores, the diameter is generally about 200 to 400 μm, and even in relatively large pores, the diameter rarely exceeds 200 μm. Since the diameter of the normal water cluster is about 200 μm, it is difficult to enter pores. At this time, the powerful effect of micronano bubble is demonstrated. With a ultra -fine body of less than 50 μm, it is easy to get into pores, absorbs internal dirt and skin metabolites, floats, and washed away with water. It is very effective not only for face washing, but also for vegetables and clothing. Point 2: Most of the OH radicals generated bacterial cells are charged with positive charges, but underwater micronano bubbles are charged, so micronano bubbles can quickly adhere to the bacteria wall. When the gas inside the micronano bubble melts and is squeezed by water pressure, the bubbles gradually contract, form ultra high pressure inside, and ultimately burst. The ruptured micronano bubble forms instantaneous high -temperature and high -voltage shock waves and ultrasonic waves, and the OH radicals that occur in the results are not possible to respond with conventional chlorine or ozone (O3) processing. It can also remove harmful organic substances with difficult resolution, such as dioxin and pesticides. Point 3: The speed of bubbles and the stability micronano bubble are generated and expanded quickly at a visible speed. Due to the micron -level size, the buoyancy of the micronano bubble is small (3mm / min), the rising speed is slower, moving horizontally, upward, or downward. Then, by water pressure, the bubbles burst and release energy. As a result, active oxygen molecules dissolve with water to form nanobubables and continue to exist in water. Product page: https: // greenfunding.jp/triple-l/projects/5169※プロジェクトは2021年9月30日(木)18:00まで公開中です。【会社紹介】Y&Y STORE(香港揚名出海科技有限会社 HongKong Yangming Sea Technology Co., Limitedの関連会社)みなさま、こんにちは。 Y&Y STOREでございます。みなさまに素晴らしい商品をお届けしたいという想いで、私達は社内のリソースを使い、2019年に「最新テクノロジー」をテーマにして商品のデザイン・販売・運営の事業を立ち上げました。これまで実施した多数のプロジェクトで総数5億円を超えるご支援を頂き、多くのメディアからも注目を集めています。時代に伴うライフスタイルの変化を見据えながら、皆様のニーズに合った製品をお届けすることが私たちの目標です。何卒ご支援のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。皆さんのご支援を心よりお待ちしております。企業プレスリリース詳細へPRTIMESトップへ


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.