The reason for taking news programs...


The reason for taking news programs with a cinema camera.ABEMA's "comfortable TV" --AV Watch

What are the best news programs for smartphones?

ABEMA, which started in cooperation with TV Asahi and Cyber Agent, celebrated its 5th anniversary on April 11.A large -scale project entitled "Abema 5th Project" has been developed throughout the year, and as part of that, the news channel shooting studio has been renewed.At that time, Sony's CINEMA LINE camera "FX6" with E -mount and full -size sensor was installed.

ソニーのCinema Lineカメラ「FX6」

As you know, if you wear a bright lens, open the aperture and shoot, you can shoot a blurred image that melts the background of a person, such as a movie or portrait photo.However, I've been watching TV news programs and never thought that the background of the announcer melted, and I heard that I was particular about bokeh on the news not have.So why did Abema NEWS decide to shoot with a news program cinema camera?

テレビ朝日アートディレクター 兼 ABEMA NEWSクリエイティブ統括の横井勝氏によれば、その背景には、ABEMA NEWSチャンネルがスタートした時から追求している“シンプル&スタイリッシュ”というテーマがあるという。


Abema can be displayed from PC web browsers and apps installed on TV, but most of users are watching with smartphone apps.Naturally, the smartphone screen is smaller than a PC display or TV.

一方、テレビ向けの一般的なニュース番組は“多くの情報を視聴者に届ける”事を目的としているため、画面の情報量が多い。ABEMA NEWSのデザインを担当する横井氏は、「画面の小さなスマートフォンに、テレビのニュース番組をそのまま表示してしまうと、情報量が多すぎて見にくくなります。スマホの画面サイズに適した、シンプル&スタイリッシュな画作りは、特に今回のリニューアルでもこだわっているポイントです」と語る。

For example, in information variety programs, many commentators and guests will appear in addition to casters.If everyone shoots with a "pull", it may not be a problem on TV, but on a small smartphone screen, the face of each person will not be visible and will be stressful for viewers.In that case, for example, two people or one person, "approach" the person's expression well.In other words, reducing the amount of information in the picture and making it simple.

Not just the number of people.For example, in the case of a TV program, telops are not only in the lower part of the screen, but also in various places, such as left and right and center.If it is a screen size of the TV, it will be "flashy and interesting, a lot of information", but on a smartphone screen where small letters are difficult to read, it will be difficult to see if a large amount of telops enter.

"ABEMA has reduced the number of telops from the beginning, but in addition to the restrictions on the usable fonts and the number of colors that can be used. In terrestrial programs, we use various colors strongly to make it more prominent.There is a tendency to do it, but Abema does not need to be "too much". It is important to make a "comfortable painting" by looking at it.I'm told (laughs), but I'm pursuing "natural and comfortable paintings", not simple but not poor. "


In other words, bringing a TV news program to your smartphone is not optimal.If you don't create an easy -to -read picture on your smartphone, you'll give stress on the viewer.The interesting thing is that instead of pursuing a "screens without a negative element" called "stress -free painting", it aims for a screen with a positive element of "looking and comfortable."

There are times when you feel that it's a beautiful video or a travel program that it's a beautiful video, but many people feel "comfortable" for the video of the news program.However, many people, such as Abema News, are flowing for 24 hours for 365 days, and many people leave it for a long time, such as keeping it on the app or keeping it on a browser.As a news program that is close to your life, “comfort” will be even more important.
