[Recommended drone] The aircraft th...


[Recommended drone] The aircraft that can be bought from the 10,000 yen chosen by the professional is Kore!

  • 2.2 [2] Overwhelming popular on Amazon!
  • 2.3 [3] If you start aerial photography easily!
  • 2.4 [4] Introductory machine that can be bought for under 10,000 yen
  • 2.5 [5] If you want to step up to PHANTOM, this!
  • 2.6 [6] For those who want to practice in hard mode
  • 2.7 [7] Microd loan with a learning app set
  • 3 The merit of choosing a 10,000 yen drone
  • 4 Professionals who chose the recommended drone this time
  • 5 I understand quickly!Drone purchase guide for beginners
  • 6 Things to be aware of when purchasing a drone
  • 7 Summary of recommended drone articles
  • Which drone is better after all??

    If you think, "I want to fly a drone, but I don't know which one to buy!"This article introduces the recommended aircraft selected by drone instructors (instructors) who train operators for those who think "Let's start a drone!"

    Also, other ...

    * If you are entrusted with surveying projects, aim for a prize in racing, take aerial photography at high resolution, or search for high -end machines, you will not be eligible for "recommendation".

    In this article, we will carefully select and introduce the recommended drones based on the above standards!

    Introduction to drones recommended by professionals

    Now, we will introduce a "affordable drone that can be recommended for beginners, selected from a professional drone operator!"The profile of each professional operator is listed in the latter half of the article, so please check that.

    [1] The strongest introductory machine chosen by three professionals!


    Although it is not a high price for a drone, it is a proper drone manufacturer, a well -established PARROT.You can fly a stable flight, so you can operate calmly.I also have one kitchen, and I like the fact that I can play with the attached accessories such as attaching an arm.


    It is a toy drone that can easily experience that the possibility of a drone is not only aerial photography.If it is lightweight, you can grasp and carry it with the attached arm, so you can experience the scene where a business drone does work such as transportation.The aircraft maintains the altitude with an ultrasonic sensor and controls the position with the camera, making it a stable flight, so even those who operate the drone for the first time can fly relatively easily.


    An aircraft that both children, adults and beginners can enjoy.Since the altitude can be maintained by an ultrasonic sensor, etc., you can practice the basic operation such as the stick in the stick.Once you get used to it, you can use a third -party app to control it by programming, so it is good to be able to enjoy it even if you become an intermediate.By the way, if you purchase the Parrot genuine controller "Flypad", you will be able to select mode 1 and 2 ( *).

    * "Mode 1, Mode 2" is the operation method of the controller.


    [2] Overwhelming popular on Amazon!


    This aircraft tells the students at the drone school, "If you practice at home, this is also recommended."Because it is not too small, the movement is felt in a good way, and you can learn the response when operating a heavy aircraft compared to a smaller drone.I think it is for those who are aiming to step up to a full -fledged model rather than for adults, for those who want to play with drones.

    [3] If you start aerial photography easily!


    The manufacturer's nominal weight is about 51 grams.It is easy to carry because it is lightweight, and it is attractive that the freedom in the flight location is high because it is out of the "200 grams regulation" by the aviation law.It is a recommended aircraft for those who want to see aerial photography for the first time.(Please note that when you take aerial photography, you will need to consider not only the Aviation Law but also the local ordinance and privacy!)

    [4] Introductory machine that can be bought for under 10,000 yen


    A compact drone with a width of 140 mm and a weight of 37 grams.In a large environment such as a gymnasium, it moves like a race drone.It is also recommended that you can increase the difficulty depending on how you improve, such as the compatibility of Futaba's proposal, which is familiar to racers and advanced users, and can be cut off the gyro sensor.In the normal flight, you can enjoy a stable flight by turning on the 6 -axis gyro sensor.

    [5] If you want to step up to PHANTOM, this!


    For those who say that the high -tech epilation is too difficult with the high -tech euckscape "X100", it is recommended to control the altitude and stable hovering by the air pressure sensor.Because the altitude is maintained, it is close to the movement like the "Phantom" series with GPS, which is ideal for practicing face -to -face flights and side flights.In addition, it is nice to be able to change mode 1 and mode 2 depending on the setting of the propo, and that the battery is a fixed type and a fixed type, so the weight balance does not lose.If you practice so that this aircraft can be controlled intuitively, you will be able to respond to medium -sized aircraft such as Phantom.

    [6] For those who want to practice in hard mode


    This is recommended if you learn maneuvering with the original movement of the drone without support function.Since there is no altitude maintenance function, you can practice in "hard mode" (laughs).By the way, my students are required to master this aircraft.

    [7] Microd loan with a learning app set


    Because it is small, it is suitable for practice indoors.If you use "DRONE STAR", which allows you to learn drone safe operation in a game and mission format, you can study.

    The merit of choosing a 10,000 yen drone

    Basically, the more expensive manufacturers, the easier it is to pilot because the accuracy of the sensor is more difficult and the wind is affected.Therefore, if you have a good budget, it is recommended to purchase DJI "Phantom 4 Pro (reference price: 204,000 yen including tax)".However, many people can buy an aircraft of over 200,000 yen as an introductory machine.Therefore, in this article, we pick up the 10,000 yen aircraft as a model that can be easily started.

    In addition, there is an advantage that the entry model that does not have a sensor assistance or is not as precise as a luxury machine is superior to the pilot, so it is better as a practice machine.For example, the operation of "hovering in one place (staying in the air)" is not difficult if it is "Phantom 4 Pro", but precise operation is required for an aircraft of around 10,000 yen without sensor assistance.increase.For this reason, even in drone schools, there are some places where you use a model without sensor assist around 10,000 yen for early practice.Therefore, as an introductory machine (practice machine), it has the advantage that low -cost machines are actually better.

    In the future, if you want to control DJI "Inspire 2 (reference price: 389,000 yen including tax)" or "MATRICE 600 Pro (reference price: 593,800 yen)", let's start with the entry model!

    Professionals who chose the recommended drone this time

    This time, a total of four drone instructors (instructors) who cooperated in the selection of recommended drones for beginners.Everyone has an instructor qualification for either DJI, JUIDA, or DPA, which is a major management organization certified by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and has a track record of being active as a lecturer to select recommended drones from a professional perspective.Thank you for your cooperation.


    ・ Affiliation: Skyasky Co., Ltd. Qualification: DPA certified instructor, drone certification grade 2

    In charge of infrastructure inspection and aerial photography as a drone operator with a total flight time of over 300 hours.He also works on the development of backwards as an instructor.On holidays, I like drones from the roots of going out to shoot superb view spots private.

    »Skyasky Co., Ltd.


    ・ Affiliation: DRON é Motion (Representative Director)

    ・ Qualification: DJI certified instructor, JUIDA certified instructor

    Drone grapha, JUIDA certified school "Digital Hollywood Robotics Academy" chief lecturer, JUIDA certified school "Trust Inc.Lecturer of Drone Pilot Training School.In May 2016, Dron é Motion Co., Ltd. was set up.Planning for training on the theme of drones, drone school lecturers, and web media manuscripts.One of Japan's leading aerial photography professionals.

    »Dron é Motion Co., Ltd.


    ・ Affiliation: SKYER Co., Ltd. (Representative Director) NPO Drone Support Tohoku (Director)

    ・ Qualification: JUIDA certified instructor, drone test Level 1

    Developed drone human resource development projects mainly in local governments.We will also work on the development of next -generation human resources at school education.He is also challenging new drones in the sports industry, such as the B -League and the J -League, taking advantage of his own sports experience and drone operation experience.He is also a board member of the NPO Drone Support Tohoku and board members of the Kyushu Drone Promotion Association.

    »Facebook page


    ・ Qualification: DPA certified instructor, third -class land special radio engineer, amateur radio fourth grade

    DSJ Instructor, Drone Grapha, Micro Deplone Promotion Committee, drone classroom lecturer at elementary schools, going out for warrior training abroad, and has been active in the spread of microdalones and developing drone lace.

    »Grid FPV YouTube channel

    I understand quickly!Drone purchase guide for beginners

    Even if you say a drone, the application varies.Depending on the purpose, the necessary aircraft is different, and there is no model that is "perfect for all applications", so it is important to first determine what you do before purchasing.

    The reason for buying a drone

    1. 飛ばして遊びたい
    2. 空撮をしたい
    3. レースをしたい
    4. 点検や測量をしたい
    5. 農薬を散布したい

    In this article, we will introduce a drone that can be used as a practice machine to step up to (2) to (5) from there, mainly with the purpose of "(1) I want to fly and play".To do.It doesn't mean that if you buy this aircraft, you can do everything from (1) to (5). "

    Things to be aware of when purchasing a drone

    Up to this point, with the cooperation of instructors and operators who are active in the drone industry, we have checked for "recommended drones for beginners who can purchase in the 10,000 yen range".However, you may be interested in the models other than the introduced here, so as a supplementary information, you should be especially careful when purchasing for those who want to choose a drone yourself.The following is a summary of the points to be aware of when flight, so please check it out.

    NG for drones that have not received technical certification

    Generally, drones use radio waves to control wirelessly, so they are restricted by the Radio Law like smartphones and wireless LAN routers.For this reason, drones used in Japan must receive certifications from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications called "Certificate of Technical Standards of Specific Radio Equipment (commonly known as technical)".It should be noted that this is to prevent the radio waves used by the drone from mixed with other radio waves, and using a drone that has not been certified as a law is a violation of the law.

    The aircraft introduced in this article and drones sold by major manufacturers such as DJI and Parrot are subject to technical authentication, but they have not passed the technical authentication among models sold in Japan.You need to be careful because it is scattered.

    In addition, some radio bands used for Goggles, etc. used for FPV (first -person viewpoint) goggles, some require an amateur radio license.If you plan to use a first -person goggles, we recommend that you use a frequency band that requires an amateur radio or other license.

    Bad batteries are dangerous

    It goes without saying that you need to pay attention to crashes and collision accidents when flying a drone.In addition, you need to pay attention to accidents in which the damaged battery is heated and ignited after the crash.

    For example, in the case of "I accidentally dropped the drone in the mountains and dropped it into the mountains", there is a risk that if the aircraft is ignited due to a battery damage, it will develop into a wildfire.These accidents can cause all drones with batteries, but a model equipped with poor batteries will increase the risk of such a fire accident.

    It is recommended that you avoid purchasing if there are more than a certain number of cases where "excessive fever" or "expansion of battery" occurs when purchasing.Also, if you do not use a drone, remove the battery from the main unit.

    "You can fly anywhere if you are less than 200 grams" is wrong

    Many of the flight rules for drones (unmanned aircraft) are defined by the Aviation Law, and the regulations are "over 200 grams".

    Therefore, drones with a total weight of less than 200 grams can be used in population -intensive areas (DID) without regulation of the aviation law.

    However, it is different to think that "if you are less than 200 grams, you can fly anywhere."

    The reason is that, in addition to the aviation law, local ordinances that regulate the use of drones may prohibit the flight of any drone, including the aircraft of less than 200 grams, is prohibited.

    As an example, Tokyo's metropolitan parks are banned from flying all drones, including aircraft less than 200 grams.The following reference page does not specify the weight, but when we contacted the Tokyo Metropolitan Construction Bureau on the telephone, the answer was that all drones, including less than 200 grams, are prohibited.I am.

    In addition, information on laws, ordinances, and consideration for privacy to be confirmed before flying a drone are summarized in the following article, so please check it out.

    »Do you really know?13 cases when drone flight permission is required

    Where should the drone fly?

    If you look at the precautions related to drones in this way, there are many people who ask, "Where should I fly?"In particular, it is difficult for those who live in urban areas to fly without going through prior procedures because they fall under the "population concentrated area".

    Therefore, it is recommended as a place where you can easily fly a drone without violating the law.If it is surrounded by walls, roofs, and the Internet, there is no risk of violating other laws and ordinances.

    In addition, most of the drones introduced in this article can be practiced enough if there is a space of about 6 tatami mats, so the first step in learning the basic maneuvering method is "I will fly in the room".Is recommended.

    * Even if it is an indoor flight, it is important to note that the use of an aircraft that has not been certified by the technical correspondence will be a violation of the Radio Law.

    Summary of recommended drone articles

    How was the recommended drone chosen by a professional drone operator?All are attractive models that can be used for each purpose, such as aerial photography, lace, and hobby, despite all the reasonable prices that can be purchased for around 10,000 yen.Why don't you find the perfect model for you and take the first step to the drone operator?
