"IOS 15.3" Release, Multiple Fix Se...


"IOS 15.3" Release, Multiple Fix Security issues --Cnet Japan

 Apple released several security updates on the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and Mac series on January 26, US time."IOS 15.3 "" iPados 15.3 "" Watchos 8.4 "" MacOS 12.2 "" Tvos 15."3" is published.

提供:Jason Cipriani/ZDNet

 The update history of the update states that "bug fixes and security updates" are written, and other changes or new features are mentioned.

 The "Apple Security Update" page explains in detail about multiple corrected problems.

 iOS 15.3 and iPados 15.In 3, 10 issues related to security have been revised.OKs that can access the user's "iCloud" file, a problem that malicious applications can acquire route authority, and "WebKit" related issues.We are also dealing with issues that may be actively abused.

 It seems that the bugs of "Safari", which had been reported in January, have been revised.It has been pointed out that the website we visited could refer to the user's browsing history and Google user ID.


 Macでは、「システム環境設定」>「ソフトウェアアップデート」を選択する。Apple Watchは、iPhoneの「Watch」アプリを使って最新アップデートをインストールすることができる。Apple TVは、iPhoneと同じ手順でアップデート可能だ。

 "IOS 15.In 4, I would like to expect new functions and improvements.

This article edited by Asahi Interactive for an article from overseas RED VENTURES for Japan.