Tegrols fire brigade members / admi...


Tegrols fire brigade members / administrative scrivener [Kochi Woman] with the second life drone | Your Shizuoka Shimbun

 A small unmanned aircraft "drone" that has attracted even more attention with the performance of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony.As the use of interests in various fields spread, we asked two women in Shizuoka Prefecture, who found a new development of life in drones.

■ Training in the event of a disaster training, Hisako Yamada, a fire brigade in Yaizu City, "The surrounding situation is good. I will take off." The mild expression of the Yaizu Fire Brigade Drone Corps "Sky Shoot", a member of the Yaizu City Fire Brigade, has changed the mild expression. Her gaze is sharp and her voice is loud. Her aircraft rises fluffy and take off. After confirming the movements of her eyes (hovering) at the height of her eyes, she started flying to the destination after confirming the movements up and down, left and right, and front and rear. Drones fly low in places where people and helicopters are difficult to approach, and can check the images taken with the mounted camera from a remote location. She is increasing her presence at disaster sites such as landslides and fires. The squad is the first fire brigade drone squad in the prefecture. Four of the second -year students who joined the army in 2020 are the first female fire brigade drone pilot in Japan. One of them, Mr. Yamada, says, "I have no experience of radio control or NES (home TV game console)." However, she tried to learn the latest equipment, saying, "Every time I wear a fire brigade, I can meet people. I can meet words that are energetic. I always get it. I want to return the benefits to the citizens." 。 She joined the fire brigade 55 years old. She began to learn life -saving support activities when she began to think, "How to spend after retirement from the company." As a female fire brigade, she publicized the importance of her disaster prevention drills, and she has contributed to her contribution at a disaster site without a departure. She is free, except when she retires from retirement and serves as a nursing care consultant in the city. The drone squad was a good opportunity to "give back activity clothes." In 200 years, classrooms and flight training have begun to learn the amendment laws that define drone mechanisms and flight rules. In front of the drone in the Oigawa disaster prevention square in the city, Mr. Yamada said, "Her head is pure white because of tension." Even if you operate the two sticks of the transmitter with your thumb, it does not move as expected. Especially the "8 -shaped" flight that draws a turning flight and 8 characters. Keep an eye on the transmitter, even though you have to look at the aircraft. There was a night when I couldn't sleep, blaming myself as "the luggage for young people." During the training, her heart broke and tears overflowed, and there were days when she regretted her enlistment. She still said, "If she continued to keep steadily, she would be fine." She made her own mock transmitter with a piece of wood and trained at her home. She participated all the time she could participate in the training. Her younger seniors praised me, and the number of moments that seemed fun gradually increased. The final task of her flight training is an advanced maneuver without a "GPS function" that automatically maintains a specific position even if it is washed away. As the surroundings were tight and completed, he said, "I was really happy that I didn't throw it out. Everyone cried." The flight history required to apply for drone flight permission and approval with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is more than 10 hours. She took more than twice as long as she learned her predetermined skills. For the first time as a member, the Hayashi Fire Training was the first to pilow. He succeeded in shooting videos from the sea from the sea. The drone realized the importance of operating in the "one team", such as piloting, monitoring the aircraft and the surroundings, analyzing information, and analysis. He said, "I want to repeat training to raise my drone quickly in the event of a disaster." ■ Creating documents "Utilization bridge" Toshiko Masuda, an administrative scrivener, "What is a drone?" Toshiko Masuda (50), the representative of the administrative scrivener Ayame office, has prepared an application documents for flight permission and approval submitted by those who fly drones and organizations to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Blue Ocean means an undeveloped market with no competitors. For administrative scrivener who deals with the application for licensing for the government, the flower -shaped field is a construction industry. It is unusual to use drones as the main field and become women. The encounter is a coincidence. The revised Aviation Law was enforced in December, following the drone falling case of the Prime Minister's Office in April 2015. The definition and flight rules of the target unmanned aircraft were determined, and the airspace that could affect aircraft's safety and the flying area of ​​densely populated areas were permitted, and approval was required for flight methods such as night and out vision. Mr. Masuda, who was preparing for the opening of an administrative scrivener office in June 2017, also received a request from her acquaintance to prepare application documents. She wanted to be an administrative scrivener because her husband's words stuck in her chest before the age of 40. She said, "If her life is 80 years, work is a turnover point. It is time to work for myself, not children." She has been working with powder to balance her child. What she was interested in was the law study. She passed the national exam in her third challenge. She knew the existence of the drone just before she came to her next life at the age of 45. She did not know the details of the drone. She wants to consult, but she can't find a senior who handles drones. She immediately decided to take a school for a pilot to deepen her understanding, and she also learned the skills and knowledge she needed to apply. The aircraft has evolved awkwardly, and the purpose of flight has expanded to surveying, pesticide spraying, shooting, and infrastructure inspection. Flying applications have increased in proportion to it. Based on the statutory rules, the applicant's aircraft, maneuvering skills, operating management systems, etc. will be scrutinized, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism will be discussed as much as possible. Since the opening of the business, the application is about 400 and the permission rate is 100 %. "I want to be a bridge for the applicant to take advantage of the drone to go to the next step. I would like to thank him for growing little by little," says Masuda. ■ Approval of permission approval is 4.4 times in 4 years, according to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the application for flight permission and approval for unmanned aircraft such as drones is 13,535 in FY2016, which is short of the revised Air Law. Was about 4.4 times, 668 cases. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism shall apply for an unmanned aircraft under the screening criteria for the pilot, such as "more than 10 hours of flight history". If you learn these skills and knowledge after taking the course of an organization that meets the requirements, the application will be simplified. The revised Aviation Law promulgated in June 2005 has created a certification system (aircraft authentication) on the safety of the aircraft and a proof system on the skills of the pilot (pilot license), and no assistant in a manned zone. Flying is possible.

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