Smartphone for the new era that con...


Smartphone for the new era that considers sustainable society and necessary and sufficient

Sharp leads the domestic mobile market, creating a trend that other companies imitate, as well as new technologies and functions.Sharp has released a smartphone "AQUOS WISH" planned with new values that are different from before, and is attracting attention.What is the next trend that Sharp asks for the mobile industry?

The awareness of the changing society and people

In recent years, changes in awareness of the social environment, both in Japan and overseas, are attracting attention.It is not only a change in the social environment due to the corona evil, but also a slightly wider perspective, and the activities and ideas that lead to the global environment are expanding.

Behind this is the existence of "SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) / Sustainable Development Goals".SDGs was unanimously adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015, and is an international goal aiming for a sustainable and better world by 2030.When it was just adopted, it was not widely recognized, but recently it has been frequently featured in media, and awareness of environmental issues is increasing.

In addition, SDGs initiatives are treated as one of the important issues for companies, and their attitudes may greatly affect the evaluation of companies.For example, "ESG" may be featured as a theme of investment in companies, but this is an acronym for "Environment", "Social", and "GOVERNANCE".Investment decisions are made depending on whether they are working on the environment, society, and corporate rule.

These SDGs' activities and actions that consider the entire society and the whole earth have a significant impact on the younger generations, also known as the "Z generation" and "millennials", and are said to be more interested in environmental issues.In Japan, mass production has been expanded as a matter of course since the era of high economic growth, but recently the younger generation has experienced the earthquake during the growth period, and due to climate change.The company is familiar with changes in the natural environment, so many people are more interested in environmental issues and actively participate in volunteers and environmental preservation activities.

New options required for smartphones

These SDGs and the global environment -friendly way of thinking have a considerable impact on choosing smartphones, and manufacturers are trying to respond to the trend.

Until now, on smartphones, each manufacturer has introduced a flagship model with the latest and highest specifications and hardware every year. One of the most popular flagship models is that there is a prospect that "if you have a high specification model, you can use it for a long time." Certainly, the early Android smartphone tended to be able to use high -spec models for a long time because the platform evolved, but now the Android platform has been mature and the perfection as a smartphone has been enhanced. It has become possible to use it continuously without choosing a high -spec model. For example, Sharp has launched a policy of promising two OS version upgrades in two years early, and has actually been upgraded.

In recent years, the smartphone of classes called midrange and mid -high has steadily expanded users in response to these flagship models.Despite the change in sales measures due to the revision of the Telecommunications Business Law, despite the reasonable price, sufficient performance has attracted consumer attention, and it is now the highest ranking of selling.

Among them, Sharp's "AQUOS SENSE" series has been gaining stable popularity since the launch of the first model in 2017.Not just pursuing specifications, but by examining the functions and sufficient specifications that users really need, and pursuing the balance between affordable prices and performance, a wide range of users are supported, and last year the cumulative sales volume.Is now more than 10 million units, and now has grown into a classic series that is called the "national aircraft."

"AQUOS SENSE6" evolved into a slim body

"AQUOS SENSE6" is the latest model of the "AQUOS SENSE" series.The "AQUOS SENSE" series, which was released last year, was a two -model configuration of "AQUOS SENSE4" and "AQUOS SENSE5G" because the network of each company switched from 4G to 5G, but it was announced in September last year.The AQUOS SENSE6 has been sold for each mobile phone company for each mobile phone company for each mobile phone company for each mobile phone company.


This "AQUOS SENSE6" inherits the basic concept from the conventional model, but the body is 1mm thinner than the conventional model..It's 9mm and it's easier to hold than ever.

One of the factors that realized this slim body is the "IGZO OLED" display, which is the first "AQUOS SENSE" series."IGZO", an oxide semiconductor composed of "IN" (indium), "GA" (gallium), "ZN" (zinc), and "o" (oxygen), is used in Sharp "IGZO LCD".It has achieved excellent power saving performance, but it was adopted on the "AQUOS R6" released last year as an organic EL display "PRO IGZO OLED", and this "AQUOS SENSE6" OLED display is also "IGZO OLED".Is adopted.

スマートフォンではWebページやSNS、動画、ゲームなど、さまざまなコンテンツを視聴するが、IGZO OLEDは表示するコンテンツに合わせ、画面の書き換え速度を変更するアイドリングストップ機能を搭載し、高い省電力性能を実現する。「AQUOS sense6」ではスリムなボディに内蔵された4570mAhの大容量バッテリーとも相まって、1週間の電池持ちを可能1にする。

In addition, the "intelligent charge" that reduces the load when charging the built -in battery and prevents deterioration has ensured a long life of the terminal, such as securing 90 % or more battery capacity even after the start of use.There is.For cameras that are indispensable to the current smartphone, a newly developed new image quality engine "PROPIX3" is equipped with the image processing technology cultivated in the "AQUOS R6" equipped with a camera supervised by Leica.In the dark place, it is possible to shoot with about twice as bright as the conventional model, and when shooting people and flowers, you can take photos with the background blur, so that anyone can easily and beautifully take pictures.There is.

In addition to this, by pressing and holding a fingerprint sensor built into the display, you can easily arrive at the place where you set in advance, such as "Pay Trigger", which can easily launch cashless payment and point card apps of each company.It is also equipped with functions suitable for new lifestyles, such as "tethering auto" that can automatically turn on/off the tethering function when separated.

シリーズ累計1000万台を突破した人気シリーズ最新モデル「AQUOS sense6」の詳細はこちら

"AQUOS WISH" where you can see Sharp's new challenge

The flagship model "AQUOS R6", "AQUOS SENSE6", a mid -range "AQUOS SENSE6" that satisfies the necessary and sufficient, and "AQUOS ZERO6" that realizes a lightweight body of 146 g with OLED, is a lineup of Sharp, but in December 2021, these.AQUOS WISH, which has begun a different new initiative, has been released.

As mentioned above, the changes in awareness of the social environment and initiatives for environmental issues, including SDGs, are attracting attention in Japan and overseas, but this time "AQUOS WISH" is the model that responds to these social movements.become.As the number of users who think that they do not have too much things and use their favorite things carefully, it has been developed based on the concept of "simple and unadorned" for smartphones, one of the longest devices for people.It will be a new series.

The most distinctive thing is that it uses 35 % regenerative plastic as a material for the housing to achieve a sustainable society.Mobile phones and smartphones have been recycled by each mobile phone company and manufacturers, but rather, there are many reuse and recycling of metal parts such as rare metals, and the use of regeneration plastic is used.Not much.This time, a resin bottle used in mineral water water supply, etc. is crushed, and it is used as a material.

By the way, consideration for the environment of "AQUOS WISH" is used not only in the case but also in the package (individual box).The package achieves 20 % smaller in capacity than "AQUOS SENSE5G", and reduces paper use by 40 %.It is summarized in a form that is easy to disassemble and recycled.

By the way, when it comes to playback plastic, it may have a slightly cheaper impression, but the AQUOS WISH housing doesn't make you feel it at all.The body has a matte texture and is finished in a gentle touch.By adding a slight dent on the side of the body as well as "AQUOS SENSE6", it is easy to pick up when placed in a flat place, such as on a desk.While there are many smartphones with a heavy body with metallic frames and glass finish, the natural finish that fits in AQUOS WISH's hand is fresh, and it is an impression of "natural smartphone".

You may be worried about the durability for using a different material for a long time, but as with "AQUOS SENSE6", waterproof and IP6X compliant with IPX5/IPX7.In addition to dustproofing, a total of 18 items, which complies with MIL-STD-810H / Mil-STD-810G, have been cleared, and can be used with confidence.For updates of an important platform for long use of the device, "AQUOS WISH" also supports up to two OS versions in two years.

As for the security aspects of actual use, a fingerprint sensor is provided right next to the power button on the side as a biometric authentication.Even if the mask is worn, touch the fingerprint sensor on the side to unlock immediately.Since the fingerprint sensor is almost flat on the side, it is recommended that you choose a substance that is not very thick on the side part when attaching a commercially available clear cover.

By the way, for the fingerprint sensor, such as "AQUOS SENSE6", "Pay Trigger" that can launch the specified application in advance when holding a long press is installed.There is a setting item in "AQUOS Trick", which summarizes the convenient functions of "AQUOS WISH", so I would like to register cashless payment apps and point card apps for each company.

The display is 5.Equipped with a 7 -inch HD + compatible LCD display.The resolution is 720 x 1520 dots, but "rich color technology mobile" mounted on "AQUOS SENSE6", "Outduarview", which has excellent visibility outdoors, and "Relax view" that suppresses eye fatigue., People -friendly functions are inherited firmly.

The camera is 13 million pixels on the back/F2.0 Main Camera, 8 million pixels/F2 in the semicircular notch on the top of the display.Equipped with a 0 sub camera (in -camera). The characteristic of the "AQUOS WISH" camera is that it uses Google's camera application "Camera Go". The current smartphone is equipped with a multi -camera that combines many shooting functions, but "Camera Go" is a simple function configuration and can be started quickly. Anyone can use it easily without missing a shutter chance. In addition to the simple but normal "photo" mode, it has a shooting mode of "portrait", "video", and "translation", and can be expanded in color range by correcting the "night mode" that takes a night view. You can also set "HDR". I also took a night view and portrait rate, but I was able to take enough photos as a single camera, although it was not as good as a high -end model equipped with a multi -camera.

For usability, it is equipped with a familiar function on smartphone AQUOS, such as "Pay Trigger", "Scalor Auto" that can be automatically scrolled, and "CLIP NOW", which can easily take screenshots.It can be set with "AQUOS trick" in the inside.There is also a "simple mode" suitable for users who are not very familiar with digital.For Japanese input, you can download and set from the "S-SHOIN" link of "AQUOS Trick", so when you start using it, you should definitely set it.

When purchasing a new smartphone, you are worried about the trouble of migrating data, but like other AQUOS smartphones, "AQUOS WISH" can use "Easy Data Copy".Most of the data can be easily transferred by using a USB cable and a quick switch adapter (sample) included with the original smartphone and connecting it to the original smartphone.It can be used not only from the Android platform but also from other platform smartphones, so I would like to use it.

シンプルで飾らないけれど使える「AQUOS wish」の詳細はこちら

What will be required in the coming era

The smartphone we have the most in contact every day.In the past one or two years, a new lifestyle has been required, and the usage and treatment of smartphones have gradually changed, but at the same time, the environment of society has changed, so I get things that I get.The opportunity to review things again has increased.Certainly, specifications such as chipsets are very important when choosing a smartphone, but as the smartphone itself has matured, there are more options that do not necessarily have to pursue the highest specifications.

For me, it can be said that it has become an era to reconsider what kind of smartphone is, what functions and services are needed, and what perspective to choose.It is good to get a flagship model that pursues high specs, but the options of "AQUOS SENSE6", which considers the necessary and sufficient specifications, and "AQUOS WISH", which realizes the simplicity of not decorating, is also very attractive.It can be said that both models are a model that we want to be able to pick up once, as one that can be convinced for society.

  1. 通話やメッセージの送受信を中心に、1日あたり約1時間の利用と約23時間の待機時間を想定した独自基準に基づく試算値です(シャープ調べ)。ゲームや動画視聴など、実際の利用状況によって短縮される場合があります。インテリジェントチャージ設定の「最大充電量を変更」をONにした場合は、電池持ちが短くなります。[return]