Snapchat strictly enhances the cond...


Snapchat strictly enhances the conditions of "recommended users" to protect young people from drugs -Cnet Japan

SNAP will strengthen measures against illegal drug transactions through the company's app "Snapchat".On January 18, the company stated the latest information on the latest initiatives to prevent the spread of illegal drugs, especially for the strengthening of teen young people.

提供:Angela Lang/CNET

As part of the countermeasures, the "Quick Add" function, which proposes recommended users, will be improved to reduce the opportunity for children to interact with non -acquaintances.In the announcement, the company explained that "Users under the age of 18 will be recommended for the opponent's Quick ADD function only if there are more than a certain number of friends with the other person."This increases the possibility that the other person is a person who knows in real life.

Snapchat、若者を薬物から守るため「おすすめユーザー」の条件を厳格化 - CNET Japan

The company plans to reveal new tools for parents under development in the next few months.The tools say that they respect privacy, but to some extent their parents can understand what kind of people they are interacting with in the app.

In October 2021, NBC News reported on the death of young or twenties, who was said to have purchased a drug in Fentanyl through Snapchat, and SNAP was criticized.Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more effective as morphine and is said to have a risk of death.

SNAP has been in partnership with multiple non -profit organizations and has provided resources on taking drugs in the portal "Heads Up" in the app.This time, for this Heads UP, we have a new partnership with Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), which aims for a society without drugs, and Truth Initiative, which focuses on preventing nicotine.

This article edited by Asahi Interactive for an article from overseas RED VENTURES for Japan.