Sony's EV strategy is too convincin...


Sony's EV strategy is too convincing, what is the odds of winning in a fierce battlefield? How will Panasonic compete?

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    Sony's EV strategy is too convincing, what is the odds of winning in a fierce battlefield? How will Panasonic compete

    At a press conference at the technology trade fair "CES" held in Las Vegas, USA, Sony will establish Sony Mobility in 2025, and the company announced two years ago. The company announced that it aims to market the Vision-S 01, the latest model of the EV Vision-S, and the Vision-S 02 SUV model. Two years ago, Sony decided to "actually build a car to verify the possibility of in-vehicle infotainment systems and autonomous driving in EVs," but why did it start selling cars? Also, how will Panasonic, a rival and also a Tier 1 supplier of automotive OEMs, respond to this? We will deliver it locally.

    Hoso Chichiko Hijikata, a journalist living in the United States

    Hoso Chichiko Hijikata, a journalist living in the United States

    Journalist living in the United States. Graduated from Doshisha University and completed a master's degree in communications at Boston University. After producing TV programs, contributed to various magazines from the 1990s. His specialty is automobiles, but he also covers a wide range of fields such as American society, economy, politics, culture, and sports entertainment. Having lived in France, he is familiar with European society and life. He is a car enthusiast and holds a large motorcycle license. His favorite car is a 1973 model BMW 2002.

    1. Sony Car aiming for commercialization, will it bring about a revolution in the EV industry?
    2. Reason why Sony adopted the "fabless" system
    3. Why did it enter the EV industry? Fierce battles over new markets in the background
    4. As industry restructuring progresses, the key word in the EV industry is "integration"
    5. How will Panasonic respond to Sony, which has its sights on after purchasing an EV? ?

    Sony car aiming for commercialization, will it bring about a revolution in the EV industry?

     Sony's EV, which was announced two years ago, had a high degree of perfection since then, and there was a long-awaited theory about its commercialization, especially in the United States. It has been pointed out that by announcing the commercialization at last this time, ``it may bring about a change in the EV industry.'' A major reason for this is that Sony does not carry out in-house production, and instead adopts a fabless system (outsourcing manufacturing to other companies and only designing in-house). Many EV ventures are born every year, but few survive. This is because it requires a huge amount of money to manufacture, and even if it is manufactured, it is necessary to pass various tests for durability and safety in order to put it on the market. However, if it is fabless, it is possible to assemble the base of the car using already established technology, and the road to commercialization will be much shorter. Looking at the world, more and more companies are turning to fabless, and in the United States, Fisker, like Sony, outsources manufacturing to Magna. Related article

    Why did Sony adopt a "fabless" system

    Magna was originally one of the top five Tier 1 suppliers in the world, and was also involved in manufacturing car bodies for multiple manufacturers. As for EVs, the company built a platform called "Power of Magna" and manufactured a "skateboard" that combined the body base, motor, and battery. Manufacturers can quickly create EVs by combining their own bodies and systems with this. This skateboard can be customized with its own system, size, power, etc. through joint work with each manufacturer. At Fisker's CES booth, a skateboard by Magna Fisker is on display, and a car with a different personality from Sony EV is made based on this. By combining such a flexible and reliable base with Sony's technology, we can provide a unique EV. Related articles

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    In other words, by becoming a fabless manufacturer, it becomes possible to outsource the manufacturing department, which requires a huge investment, and shorten the time to commercialization and cut costs. In the conventional automobile industry, it was difficult to think of choosing not to make the driving part of a car, the powertrain, in-house. It is also true that For example, Taiwan's Foxconn, which is known for manufacturing Apple products, is one of them, and has announced that it will enter the EV platform in partnership with China's Geely Motors. Rumors persist that Apple will launch Apple cars in earnest by 2025, but Foxconn is said to be more likely to undertake the manufacturing. If Sony Mobility succeeds, the idea of ​​fabless will spread further, and the automobile industry may be clearly divided into "hardware" and "software" aspects. This time, it became clear that Sony will be one of the companies that will take the lead. [Next page] Reasons why Sony entered the EV industry, behind the fierce battle over new markets

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    Sony's EV strategy too convincing, fierce battle What are the odds of winning in the district?How does Panasonic compete?