Square Toyota Invested "Flying Flyi...


Square Toyota Invested "Flying Flying Car" is necessary to win a Chinese drone Find More Articles Follow Us on SNS

ANA Holdings and American emerging companies, Jobby Aviation, announced on February 14 that they will have a business tie -up in the "flying car" business.At present, "flying car" is definitely a "drone of a size that people can ride".The electric vertical detachment land (EVTOL), which is under development by Jovial Aviation, has low noise and zero exhaust gas.It is a 5 -seater that is about 270 km in the maximum sailing distance and a maximum speed of 320 km / h.This company also has a Japanese Toyota Motor, and Toyota Motor Corporation will also participate in this project with ANA.

Currently, the world's drone market is a sole place where China's DJI accounts for nearly 70 %.The current situation is that Japanese companies are delayed due to restrictions and are delayed, and they are technically delayed.It is said that there is a difference in accuracy and safety because there is a difference in the accumulation of flight data.I guess there are many Japanese who want to catch up as a "technology Japan" and "manufacturing Japan".

However, it is not only technology in the success of this "flying car".Let's check that point by PEST analysis of the basic framework.

Let's "PEST analysis" a flying car

PEST analysis was proposed by Philiper Kotler, a professor at the Northwestern University Kerogg Business School, a leading marketing.There are four items that should be grasped and taken when considering management strategies, business strategies, and marketing.

There are four.Let's briefly analyze the "flying car" according to these four items.

square トヨタ出資の「空飛ぶ車」が中国製ドローンに勝つために必要なこと PEST分析で真の問題がみえる Find more articles Follow us on SNS

P: Politics

In the case of flying cars, Politics mainly refers to legal issues.

In order to make a flying car practical, it is necessary to develop laws such as the aviation law, radio wave law, and the location of responsibility in the event of an accident.Every time you make an airport, you will have a big problem, but it will be important to secure departure and arrival.

E: Economy (economy)

Economy over flying cars is market share and economic trends.In Japan, which has already considered logistics and transportation systems that have already been considerably improved, will there be companies that make a big investment as an alternative?You also have to consider the effect of investing tax as a public transport system.It will be easy to be adopted as a public service in an area without infrastructure.

S: Society

In the event of a flying car accident, the deadlock rate seems to be the same as an airplane, but when the accident occurs first, it will be reported to the sensation.It will take time for public opinion to allow.Society = social trends must be considered in this way.

T: Technology

When introducing a flying car, it will take time to foster not only the technology of the aircraft but also the pilot and maintenance staff.Technology = technological innovation is also important to use a flying car.

"China Drone Elimination" policy is a barrier to market development

In this way, there are large walls besides T = Technology.For example, on September 14, 2020, the Japanese government has been required to submit a plan in advance when a new drone will procure a drone, and the unmanned aircraft at government agencies, etc."Policy on procurement, etc." was announced.It is said to be a de facto elimination of Chinese drones after considering national security.In this way, the market development may not work due to "political reasons".

Conversely, Japan is technically delayed in China, but if it can be evaluated in three fields, P, E, and S, after catching up some quality and getting a reputation in the expansion market.It can be said that there will be a win in the market where the product is suppressed.