Start verifying the paid high servi...


Start verifying the paid high service as the second demonstration experiment of the "Mobile Conference Room"

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., Zenrin Co., Ltd., Softbank Co., Ltd., and Kuwahara Co., Ltd., which can have a web meeting in a comfortable environment while traveling by carAs a second bullet, we have started verification of a paid high service.In this demonstration experiment, we aim to establish a new business model of high service for commercialization, and to evolve and sophistose of the in -vehicle space necessary for that purpose.

[Overview of the second demonstration experiment]

Period: February 17, 2022 -September 30, 2022 Opening hours: 24 hours (open during the period)

(Including the provision of in -car facilities on a moving car) Example) Special day movements such as business conferences, weddings, etc.,

 Participation such as traveling with real estate property introduction: Anyone can apply (up to 2 people by one ride) Open area: departure and arrival locations are in Tokyo and Kawasaki City, Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture. Inner / Yokosuka city fee: ¥ 20,000- / time (tax included) Required reservation method on the side: Can be reserved from telephone, email, web, Kuwahara distribution reservation center TEL: 045-352-5633 e-mail: Web reservation site URL: https: // * Reservation acceptance hours are 9: 00-18: 00 Vehicle: Nissan "Elgrand" (VIP 2-row sheet) In-vehicle space specification/vehicle: ・ 32 inch LCD monitor ・Bandal walls between the front and rear seats (with sound insulation function), cameras / speakers / microphone, communication networks (5G, 4G compatible), in -car communication tools and communication tools for current location display・ Table on the knee, various adapters, etc.

[Review of the previous demonstration experiment]

「移動会議室」の実証実験第2弾として有償ハイヤーサービスの検証を開始 - みなとみらいPRセンターのプレスリリース icon_search icon_login


[Background of the second demonstration experiment]

Since many people have confirmed that many people intend to use the "mobile conference room" as a paid service, in the second demonstration experiment, the needs are confirmed in terms of the number of uses and rates levels.However, we decided to verify it for commercialization as a paid high service.In addition, in order to increase the occupancy rate on Saturdays and Sundays with little business use, it is a service different from business conferences, such as interviewing candidates at real estate companies and house makers, and using the bride and groom at the time of wedding.We will also verify the expansion and maximization of revenue.

[For the future]

Based on the results of business verification by conducting the second demonstration experiment, participating companies will work on improving specifications and functions in each area.In the future, we will contribute to the future society where various working styles are required, aiming to commercialize a new mobility service "Moving Conference Room" utilizing the inside of the car.

Dai Nippon Printing: Improvement of service quality based on the in -car space design and ICT area Nissan Motor: Development of the best vehicles and in -vehicle space Zenrin as a conference roomImprovement of WEB conference experiences utilizing communication technology