Pinch as a chance! How to deal with...


Pinch as a chance! How to deal with English when you can't hear English | Think IT

At the beginning

I can't hear the English language of the person who is speaking in front of me ... What should I do ... have you ever been in trouble?This time, we will introduce a useful expression to get through the situation that seems to be such a pinch.

A humble Japanese tends to think that he can't hear English because his English proficiency is low.But it's not rude to listen to words that he couldn't hear.Rather, it is rude to pretend to be heard and cheat or answer appropriately, and it can be a big problem later in business situations.

If you don't know, let's say it again! Let's learn a useful phrase immediately.

1.Expression to listen back

When I couldn't hear the words that the other person said, what should I do!


Let's say.The point is to raise the ending.In this word, you can say, "I'm sorry, please say it again."

Next, you can use it with similar nuances.

If you want to listen a little more carefully

You can also tell.

By the way, it's a bit rude in business situations to say what?It's better to ask a question in text, like I'm Sorry, What Did You Say?

I heard a part of the story, but when I said, use an expression that can be checked by pinpoint.

In a conversation, missing the timing may make it difficult to hear.I want to remember it from a simple phrase so that it can be used smoothly in a quick scene.

2.Expression that checks meaning

Next, it is an expression that can be used when I hear the other person's words but want to confirm the meaning.

For example, "The Schedule is TBD."If you don't understand the meaning of TBD,

What doeS it men? (What does it mean?)


What doeS TBD Mean? (What does TBD mean?)

OK if you ask.TBD is an abbreviation with the initials of to be determined.It is often used in business emails and in writing, but I often hear it in conversations.

In this way, it is often the case that the meaning of the word can be understood even if I can hear it, so I want to check the meaning of what does it men?

3.Expression to check the intention

When you want to check the other party's intention

What do you meet? (What does it mean?)

I hear.

For example, from a colleague, I will not come to the Office next month."(I will not come to the office next month.) If you do not know the other person's schedule or convenience, and you do not know its intention,

What do you meet?

You can ask for a more detailed explanation.He will explain the reasons, such as "I will be working remotely next month due to family circumstances."

What does it mean?(意味の確認)とWhat do you meet?(意図の確認)は似ていますが、ニュアンスが違うので、うまく使い分けられるように覚えておきましょう!

4.Expression that repeats the other person's remarks to see if their understanding is correct

Although it is a little advanced edition, I will also introduce the expression that confirms the other person's words correctly.

For example, if you want to confirm the other party's statement, "The development of software is one week later than planned," make the following confirmation according to the context of the story.

Is my understanding correct that the software will be completed by the end of next week?(ソフトウェアは来週末までには完成するという理解で合っていますか?)

You’re saying that the software is not yet ready for the test next week, is that correct?(ソフトウェアの完成が来週の試験には間に合わないと言われている、という理解で正しいですか?)

Correct me if I’m wrong, but do you mean that we need to delay the rest of the schedule?(間違っていたら訂正していただきたいのですが、今後の予定も遅らせる必要があるということでしょうか?)

It is very convenient to use these expressions.

5.How to deal with when you can't hear it over the phone

It seems difficult to respond by phone where the opponent's mouth movements and facial expressions are invisible.It is also true that telephone calls from overseas will increase radio waves or noise, which will increase the conditions that are difficult to hear.

When I was a new graduate, I came to the phone call from Ethiopia, and I couldn't hear much due to the bad English and radio waves.When asked, I was able to answer "I didn't understand" and had a bitter experience.

It is important to get used to telephone correspondence, but if you remember a fixed phrase, you will be able to respond to some troubled situations.If you come to the phone as usual and hear English ... your head may be pure white, but calm down and check the following two points.

To confirm the business

How May I Help You? (What is your business?)

It is also good to ask.

If you can't hear the other party's name or name, it's best to check the spell.

For example, ABC is often able to answer carefully like "A for Apple, B for Brazil, C for China".

Also, if it is difficult to hear the other person's voice over the phone, first tell them it and tell them what they want.

If you can't hear it, it's a good idea to have someone else respond.

After explaining this way, let's ask others for help.

in conclusion

This time, I introduced how to turn a pinch into an opportunity, and how to deal with English.

If you can't hear it, you may find it difficult to change the language, such as asking back or checking if you don't know if your understanding is correct.

今回で紹介した表現を使えば、英語の会話で困る場面もうまく乗り切ることができ、会話をより楽しめるようになりますよ。まずはSORRY?やCould you say that again?などの簡単な表現から、少しずつ覚えて使いこなしていきましょう!

Finally, I will summarize the expressions introduced this time in a list.Please use it in case of emergency!

Excuse me?すみません、もう一度言ってください。
I’m sorry, I couldn’t catch that.すみません、聞き取れませんでした。
Could you say that again?もう一度言っていただけますか?
I couldn’t hear the word before/after ...〇〇の前/後が聞き取れませんでした。
What did you say before/after … ?〇〇の前/後には何とおっしゃいましたか?
What does it mean?どういう意味ですか?
What do you meet?どういう意味ですか?
Is my understanding correct that …?…という理解で合っていますでしょうか?
You’re saying (that) …, is that correct?あなたは…と言われている、という理解で正しいですか?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but do you mean…?間違っていたら訂正していただきたいのですが、…ということですか?
May I have your name (again), please?(もう一度)お名前を教えていただけますか?
Could you tell me the name of your company (again)?(もう一度)御社名を教えていただけますか?
Who would you like to speak to?誰宛のお電話でしょうか?
How may I help you?ご用件は何でしょうか?
Could you spell it for me?そのスペルを教えていただけますか?
Could you spell your name for me?お名前のスペルを教えていただけますか?
Could you spell your company name for me?社名のスペルを教えていただけますか?
Sorry, I’m having trouble hearing you.すみません、お声が聞き取りにくいです。
I have bad reception here.こちらの電波状況が悪いようです。
Could you speak a little louder?もう少し大きな声で話していただけますか?
Could you speak more slowly?もう少しゆっくり話していただけますか?
Hold on, please.(電話を切らずに)少々お待ちください。
I’ll put you through to my colleague.私の同僚におつなぎします。