How to dodge the contents of the la...


How to dodge the contents of the large amount of personal information collected by Amazon and the "tracking"

Jeff Bezos has a secret weapon.Our data.

The Amazon's retail empire is built on a work environment that is regarded as a problematic infrastructure and problematic.And the company's success is backed by complex data on what a huge number of people buy and what they are on the Amazon site.

Since once he was online book sales, Amazon has been obsessed with people's personal information.About 20 years ago, Welner Vogels, the company's highest technical officer (CTO), said, "I want to collect as much information as possible," "I want to collect as much information as possible."

As Amazon grew, the work of collecting data has also expanded."Amazon just sells products, and the basics are data companies," said the company's former executive in 2020.

Amazon who knows a lot of personal information

Amazon knows a lot about you.All of the actions taken in the Amazon ecosystem, including what you searched for on the Amazon apps and sites, each click, scrolling, and mouse movements.


This alone has a huge amount of information, but only a small part of Amazon's data.When one applied to Amazon to disclose themselves data, hundreds of files were sent.It also included 10 years of purchase history and audio recorded by Alexa Alexa.

"The reason for online shopping on Amazon is because the company has been strengthening its power and the ease of reaching people over the years," he said.Sarah Nelson, the director of the program, says."Amazon is in a position to collect huge amounts of data through retail platforms, and collects data from many channels, including Ring of home surveillance cameras, audio assistant Alexa, web services, delivery services, and streaming services.I am "

Nelson is also concerned about Amazon, as Amazon is also entering the healthcare business.

Amazon also seems to have been discouraged by regulatory authorities, assuming that there is a problem with data collection.Luxembourg's data protection authorities where the company's European headquarters is located is fined $ 420 billion (approximately 46.6 billion yen (approximately 46.6 billion yen (about 46.6 billion yen), which is the company's European Union's General Data Protection Rules (GDPR).Was on June 10, 2020, the Wall Street Journal reported.

However, the article has no details, and Amazon's spokeswoman will comment on the possibility of being fined.The British regulatory authorities are also watching the use of Amazon's data on alleged anti -competitive acts.The British government has also called on Amazon to disclose many data, including information recorded in RING and Alexa.

The contents of the personal information collected by Amazon

First, let's look at Amazon's "Privacy Terms".It is not surprising that most people do not read this agreement with more than 4,400 words in the British version.But this agreement clearly states how to handle your data.

There are three main sources of personal information collected by Amazon.One is the information you give to Amazon when using Amazon and the company's services (such as reading e -books on Kindle).The second is the information that Amazon automatically collects (information on your smartphone, location information, etc.), which is the third information obtained by Amazon from a third party (credit survey to judge the fraud of individual accounts.(This is)).