Demand development and shrinking di...


Demand development and shrinking digital camera market with "Instagram" (New Switch) --Yahoo! News



Canon's "EOS R3" is a function that uses the movement of the eyes except for the viewfinder, and can be switched to the subject that you want to shoot quickly.

「インスタ映え」で需要開拓、縮小するデジカメ市場を生き残るカギ(ニュースイッチ) - Yahoo!ニュース

 The world shipment of the digital camera in 2021 is likely to be a plus of 2 digits.The number of digital camera shipments in January to November, 2001, compiled by the Camera Video Equipment Equipment Industry Association (CIPA), was 4.5 % to 7.67 million units, but the shipment increased 19.6 % to 447.6 billion.It became a circle.One of the factors is the increase in smaller and luxury mirrorless SLRs that are smaller and lighter than SLR.Camera companies will enhance new needs with unique products that match the demand for member -based exchange sites (SNS), such as "Instagram", while improving mirrorless single -lens functions like SLR.[Photo] The optical art made with a digital camera is interesting

Luxury mirrorless is popular

 Among the digital camera shipments in January -November, 2011, CIPA compiled, the mirrorless lens exchange type increased 37.3 % year -on -year to ¥ 297.2 billion. SLRs, which were 83.2 billion yen, decreasing 5.5 %, and the lens integrated with 3.6 %, down 67.1 billion yen, are more prominent. This is due to the fact that domestic companies are launching high -end mirrorless one after another. The EOS R3, a luxury mirrorless single -lens camera launched by Canon in November 2001, is equipped with a full -size phase phase -type metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) sensor in the EOS series. With the "gaze input auto focus (AF)" function that uses the movement of the eyes except for the viewfinder, it can be switched to the subject that you want to shoot quickly. The video engine "DIGIC X" balances high -speed continuous shooting with a maximum of about 30 frames per second when shooting an electronic shutter and high quality. The feature of EOS R3 is a variety of functions that meet the needs of various shooting. In addition to still images, it also supports video shooting, and appeals to a wide range of customers, including professional photographers, video creators, and hobbies. Following the "EOS R5" and "EOS R6" released in 20 years, the lineup of the EOS series is enhanced. Canon will also launch a new virtual reality (VR) video shooting system "EOS VR System" to maximize the value of the camera itself. The feature of the system is the simplicity of creating VR video. By using one dedicated lens model and software attached to the EOS R5, it is unnecessary to adjust the camera position before shooting, synchronous setting, and connect the video after shooting, and the video production is large. Efficient. "The only system that can create VR images with one sensor is EOS VR system. VR images are said to be increasing in demand in the B -Two B (company) market, such as entertainment, sightseeing, and education. Targeting the VR market, which is activated in Japan and overseas, is expected to develop B2 C (consumer) products in the future. Nikon, who had been delayed with a digital mirrorless single -lens camera, also released the first flagship (flagship) model "Nikon Z9" from the "Nikon Z Series" in December 2001. Equipped with a newly developed CMOS sensor and an image processing engine "EXPEED7". Nikon Z9 is equipped with an ultra -high -speed shooting function and high -performance AF function of "High Speed ​​Frame Capture +", which allows continuous shooting of 120 frames per second. Furthermore, the viewfinder is the main product of camera manufacturers, such as overcoming the disappearance of the viewfinder image at the moment of the shutter, which was the weak point of the mirrorless camera, with the "Real -Live Viewfinder" function that displays the actual subject without interruption. Discriminate. It has a function that allows you to shoot without missing the decisive moment of a fast -moving subject, such as sports, and will rewind in the digital camera market. Nikon also creates uniqueness for hobbies for hobbies. "Nikon Z FC" features a retro design that incorporates the elements of the film SLR camera "Nikon FM2" released in 1982. It gains support with services that are particular about the appearance, such as a body that can be customized in all six colors. "Nikon Z FC has gained popularity from young people and women. The response is great, such as obtaining it, "he emphasizes the response of the new product.


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