The most important subject in the "...


The most important subject in the "Kokushaokyo Company" that Mayu Yamaguchi thinks of the University of Tokyo, the most important subject [2021 first half BEST5] "So I went to Harvard"

* This article re -edits a part of Takashi Saito, Nobuko Nakano, and Mayu Yamaguchi, "Super" (President).



What kind of person do you think you can study?

A person with a good ground?Or is it a person who has the guts to go to the desk for a long time?

東大卒の異才・山口真由が考える「国算理社」で一番重要な科目【2021上半期BEST5】 「だから私はハーバードまで行けた」

My answer is clear.It is a person who has established "his own study method".

Studying is to gain new knowledge and understand it.And the method of performing this process for a short time and effect is "study method".In other words, those who can study are those who know the best way for them and can go according to them.

Studying methods do not remember any special know -how.It's the most easy for me, how to keep going without thinking about extra things, which is a study method that suits you.

After all, the methodology is individual.In my case, I was good at reading books since I was a child, so I have created a study method that specializes in reading, including "7 reading study methods".

In any case, one of the causes of stumbling on studying is to doubt the method you are doing, "Is this okay?"In that case, you will be stuck in the negative cycle, such as being distracted by this, and will be useless for studying, and will work on others to study.

こちらの記事は編集者の音声解説をお楽しみいただけます。popIn株式会社の音声プログラムpopIn Wave(最新3記事視聴無料)、またはオーディオブック聴き放題プラン月額750円(初月無料)をご利用ください。popIn Waveaudiobook.jp次ページ1234

"Super" study power to become a weapon of life "(President)

You can definitely reach your destination!The strongest learning thinking taught by "Learning Professional" In this book, Takashi Saito, Nobuko Nakano, and Mayu Yamaguchi, who are active in various fields as scholars and continue to produce a number of bestsellers, are now "study and learning professionals".Introducing the essentials of learning that is required in the era.

PRESIDENT Storeで購入する関連記事「円周率とは何か」と聞かれて「3.14です」は大間違いである「偏差値28、小6秋から中学受験」塾に通わなくても志望校合格を果たした超短期勉強法堀江貴文「コロナ禍に資格の勉強を始める人が見落としている根本的な間違い」ランキング#スキル・話し方・書き方 #書籍抜粋 #再配信