The Mamy Hayashida Yohei, found in...


The Mamy Hayashida Yohei, found in everyday life, "The moment when emotions move"

Yohei Hayashida


写真を撮ることにこだわりを持つアーティストやお笑い芸人による連載「QJWebカメラ部」。【写真】独特な注意書きに感情が動いた林田洋平加賀翔(かが屋)、前田こころ&平井美葉(BEYOOOOONDS)、セントチヒロ・チッチ(BiSH)、長野凌大(原因は自分にある。)、Yohei Hayashidaが日替わりで担当し、それぞれが日常生活で見つけた「感情が動いた瞬間」を撮影する。金曜日はザ・マミィ林田洋平が担当する。『キングオブコント2021』では、準優勝に輝いたザ・マミィの頭脳、林田。そんな彼は、自身のインスタグラムで発信するエモーショナルな写真も話題となっている。林田が、日常の中で、ついシャッターを切りたくなるのはどんな瞬間なのか。

"Tanzuba" that makes a note?

撮影=Yohei Hayashida

The other day, there was a note in a slightly old apartment containing the house studio used in the recording.[Please do not vomit the corridor or passage.] I was in the past!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? And was the amount of individuals amazing!?!?!?I don't say that it doesn't work!?!?!? It's like I'm going to vomit because it's dirty!?!? In the past, when a student thrown a paper airplane from a junior high school, it became a whole school meeting immediately.The school is getting rough from one paper airplane. "I was angry that I didn't understand the meaning at that time, but now I understand it now!?!?In the first place, if it is a corridor / aisle with "Tanzuba", will you vomit!?!?!? Is it because it's in the middle of Shibuya!?!?Wasn't the common part effective!?!?!?!? In the first place, what was the difference between the corridor and the aisle!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!Isn't there a season!?!? Isn't it solved for a long time?!?!?!? Because it's in the middle of Shibuya !!!! Speaking, what is Tanzuba!?!?Was it no good!?!?!? Did you really like "Tanzuba"!?!?!? I heard "Tanzuba" in Hanako's contest!?!I heard that my head was a bit used to "Tanzuba", so I didn't have to get caught in this "Tanzuba", but if I didn't hear "Tanzuba" in Hanako's contest, this time "Tanzuba""Soon," Tanzuba!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hey !!!! Wait a minute !!!!I'm not a person on the brim side!?!?!? I'm coughing!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?There was something like !!Here again, I will check what "QJWEB camera" is.There is a picture of the "moment when emotions move" found in everyday life.As you can see, the emotions have moved.And I took it unintentionally.Very faithful to the philosophy of the club.