There was a "drone" that attacked t...


There was a "drone" that attacked the Japanese army in the Pacific War 80 years of achievement Roots in ultra-high-tech weapons

Nowadays, "drones" have become so popular that they even have sales corners in electronics stores and toy stores, and they are used for a variety of purposes. It is a device that is often associated with the latest IT technology, but its roots are in the United States during the Pacific War.

Drone born as a US military aircraft during the Pacific War

Attacked the Japanese army in the Pacific War There was a

 In recent years, we often hear about "drone". The term unmanned aerial vehicles has been used frequently since around the year 2000, so it is easy to think that it was a recent development.

There was a "drone" that attacked the Japanese army in the Pacific War Click here for an image of 80 years of achievements > "Disaster UAV type II" that the Ground Self-Defense Force is introducing. A so-called small drone (Image: Ground Self-Defense Force).

 Drone is originally a common name for unmanned aerial vehicles that are called variously in the English-speaking world, such as UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) and UAS (unmanned aerial system), and the RQ-1 used by the US military in conflict areas (MQ-1) "Predator" and MQ-9 "Reaper" unmanned attack aircraft can also be said to be drones.

 When you think of a general drone, you probably imagine a small helicopter with multiple rotors. It is often used mainly for shooting from the air, such as for Internet videos and TV programs, but because it is cheap and easy to use, there is concern that it will be used for military purposes, including reconnaissance and attack aircraft, including terrorism. There are also legal restrictions such as banning flights in urban areas.

The first drone was a radio-guided radar and TV camera [next page] At the beginning of the Pacific War, the first unmanned attack aircraft developed by the US Navy was the TDN-1...

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