# Tokushima New Normal Film Festiva...


# Tokushima New Normal Film Festival ㊦ Produced in cooperation with Tiktok, a vertical movie directed by Toshihito Nagatake living in Tokushima

At the “ # Tokushima New Normal Film Festival 2022” (sponsored by the prefectural), which will be held at the prefectural culture of the prefectural culture on the 5th and 6th days, Video Creator Shito Nagatake (43) = Born in OkinawaThe director of the movie "Tunnel Vision" (30 minutes) will be screened.This work is made in cooperation with the prefecture and the video posting application "Tiktok", and consists only of the vertical screen images.We asked Director Nagatake, who first challenged a "vertical movie" that is different from the normal horizontal screen, about the background at the time of shooting and his commitment to the work.


The stage of the work is a fictional village in the mountains of Tokushima Prefecture.This is a story in which a father and daughter who have been distinguished from the old customs to work together to challenge each other's dreams outside the village and re -communicate.

Nagatake recalls the first vertical movie production, saying, "When it comes to the vertical screen, the amount of information included around the person is extremely reduced. At first, I was worried about how to make use of the narrow angle."

On top of that, "The angle of view is narrow, but the picture is powerful, and if something comes out from the side suddenly, it looks horror.I put in horror elements. "

 #徳島ニューノーマル映画祭㊦ TikTokと連携して製作 徳島在住の長竹寿人さんが監督を務めた縦型映画

The shooting period is 4 days.The location of Sakamoto Hachiman Shrine and Sakamoto Tunnel (former Sakamoto Tunnel) in Katsuura -cho was a series of confusion."Because the composition is different, I need to prepare the costumes every time to my feet, and I was worried about where to put the microphone from."

Even in such a situation, Nagatake said that he was devising his production and shooting, said, "Suddenly, the performer's gaze is thrilled with the camera's eyes, putting in dances and songs in the scene, and actually watching the ticktock on a smartphone.There is also a production, so if you enjoy it. "


Nagatake was born in Okinawa and grew up in Tokyo.He spent his time in the United States from high school and studied VFX (visual effects) and CG production at a local vocational school, and then joined a VFX production company in Tokyo in 2002.He moved to Tokushima in 2012 while engaged in CG production such as many movies, commercials, and games.

"If my father moved first and invited me to see Awa Odori once," said Nagatake.In 2019, she joined the advertising production company in Tokushima City, and now works on PR images of prefectures, local governments, and local companies.

In this work, as a means of expressing the trauma in the hearts of the characters, CG production is effectively incorporated, and the characteristics of Nagatake are fully utilized.

The work will be screened on a vertical screen at the entrance of the 21st Contemporary Contemporary Center from 7:00 pm on the 6th.Live distribution will be on the official Film Festival account of Ticktock.

Nagatake said, "The story has a fun and fun device unique to Ticktock. In the story, even though the budget and time are less, the creators you know are helped, and it is a work like" The Movie "that goes on the royal road of entertainment.It is an appeal. "