[Tokyo 2020] Game music used at the...


[Tokyo 2020] Game music used at the opening ceremony of the Olympics, what do you like most?[Questionnaire undergoing] | Netorabo Investigation Corps

  1. Dragon Quest "Introduction: Lotto Theme"
  2. Monster Hunter "Proof of Heroes"
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog "Star Light Zone"
  4. questionnaire

 On July 23, 2021, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics was held.At the opening ceremony held at the national stadium in Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo, the earth represented by 1824 drones, the collaboration of Kabuki and the jazz piano reproduced in the pantomime, the collaboration of Kabuki and the jazz piano, and the Naomi Osaka to the taced stand.Various performances such as ignition were seen.

 At the entry of the player, Japanese game music was used as a march of players in each country, and game titles and other trends became a hot topic.

【東京2020】五輪の開会式で使われたゲーム音楽、あなたが一番好きなのは?【questionnaire実施中】 | ねとらぼ調査隊

 So, in this article, we will conduct a questionnaire, "What do you like most about the game music used in the entry march at the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony?"A total of 19 songs were used from a masterpiece game, but what is your favorite song?First of all, I will introduce three songs picked up by the editorial department.


Dragon Quest "Introduction: Lotto Theme"

 The first one to introduce is the "Introduction: Lotto Theme" from Dragon Quest.This is a song by Koichi Sugiyama, who is in charge of music in games, animations, and movies, such as Dragon Quest.Speaking of Dragon Quest's theme, many people may say this song.It was a marching song suitable for entering players!


Monster Hunter "Proof of Heroes"

 Next is a "hero's proof" from the monster hunter.It is a song that can be said to be the main theme song in the monster hunter, and is a work by composer Masato Koda.The power and delicacy are a masterpiece that is expressed by various instruments!


Sonic the Hedgehog "Star Light Zone"

 Finally, Sonic the Hedgehog "STAR LIGHT ZONE".It is a song by Masato Nakamura, the BGM of Sonic the Hedgehog's Zone5.The sound of taking the ring is played in the brain without permission ...

 So, I introduced three songs from the entry march.It was a song selection with only famous songs, but what song do you like?Please vote from the questionnaire section below!



東京五輪開会式の入場行進曲で使われたゲーム音楽で一番好きなのは?合計:1613票実施期間:2021/07/24〜2021/07/25 投票は締め切りました 結果を見る

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