Toyohashi City collaborates with F...


Toyohashi City collaborates with Fukushima City to attract NHK morning dora!A story about the life of Mr. and Mrs. Yuji Koseki composed by Olympic March Corporate release | Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun electronic version

Category: Events

Release issuing company: Toyohashi City

豊橋市が福島市と連携し、NHK朝ドラ誘致へ!オリンピック・マーチ作曲の古関裕而夫妻の生涯を描く物語 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Aiming to air from April 2020, when the Tokyo Olympics will be held, Toyohashi City will develop events and signing activities. Aiming to broadcast the NHK serial TV novel with the theme of dramatic life, we are developing events and signing activities in collaboration with Fukushima City. [Great composer Yuji Koseki] Yuji Koseki (Meiji 42-1989) performed the "Olympic March" that rang at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 (Showa 39) and the "crown" that was played at Koshien. He is a great composer who composed about 5,000 songs in his lifetime and left many famous songs. His wife, Kaneko, is from Toyohashi City, and Yuji Koseki is deeply involved in composing the city song of Toyohashi City. ・ 1964 Tokyo Olympics march “Olympic March” ・ National high school baseball championship song “The crown shines on you” ・ Hanshin Tigers cheering song “Hanshin Tigers song (Grated Rokko)”・ Yomiuri Giants baseball team song “Giant Army Song” ・ Movie Mothra drama song “Mosura no Uta” etc. Was born in Toyohashi City as the third daughter of her eldest brother and six sisters, and graduated from Toyohashi High School for Girls (currently Toyohashi Higashi High School). In January 1945, he learned from a newspaper article that Yuji Koseki won a prize in an international composition contest, sent a letter to Yuji with his own ability to act, and then went to Fukushima City after continuing correspondence for about three months. I got married in June of the same year. At that time, Yuji was 20 years old and Kaneko was 18 years old. [Developing signature activities with Fukushima City] At the end of February, in Toyohashi City, the "Meeting for the Realization of NHK Morning Dora with the Theme of Yuji Koseki and Kaneko" (Chairman Motoei Sato Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce) consisting of 15 groups in the city Vice-President of the Conference Center) has been established and is carrying out signing activities to attract them. By the end of August, 61,000 signatures had been collected. Fukushima City has also been conducting signature activities since October last year, and plans to submit the signatures gathered in both cities to NHK in the fall. We would like to publicize at the venue and send more signatures to NHK. We would like people outside the city to cooperate from our website. " You can also participate in the signature from the input form on the special page. ■ Yuji Koseki Special page for attracting NHK morning dramas with the theme of Mr. and Mrs. Kinko Koseki [Concert lecture "Yuji Koseki and Kaneko Uchiyama" held] Toyohashi City will hold a concert lecture on the theme of Mr. and Mrs. Koseki in order to let many people know about the dramatic life of Mr. and Mrs. Koseki and many famous songs.Date and time Saturday, September 30, 2017, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Opening at 0:30 pm) Venue Toyohashi Public Hall (2-22, Hachimachi-dori, Toyohashi City) Contents Hidetaka Saito (Yuji Koseki Researcher) Lecture by Toyohashi Higashi High School Performance of Yuji Koseki's representative song by the Toyohashi Higashi High School wind music club and string music club What

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