Don't miss the decisive moment!Self...


Don't miss the decisive moment!Selfie drone "UP & GO" - monavis

An action camera represented by GOPRO is the most popular video shooting such as outdoor sports.Recently, we often see scenes of shooting their actions in various scenes, such as running, camping, surfing, mountain bikes, skiing and snowboarding.

そんなアクションカメラが、もし空から自分の姿を撮影してくれたら……スポーツ中継の空撮シーンのような映像が撮れて、きっともっと楽しいはずだ。そんな夢のような“空飛ぶ自撮りカメラ”がアメリカで登場! 「UP & GOエアリアル・カメラ」といういわゆるレジャー向けドローンなのだが、簡単に、いろんな動画が撮れて、しかも安い! と3拍子揃った注目アイテムなので、紹介してみよう。

Fly like a small bird

4つのプロペラを持つマルチコプター、いわゆるドローンのフロント部分にカメラを装着したのが「UP & GOエアリアル・カメラ」だ。機体のサイズは長さ25.4cm×幅13.5cm×高さ7.5cmで、重さも340gと超軽量なので、女性でも片手で持つことができる。

飛ばし方も簡単だ。まず、腕時計タイプのトラッキングデバイスを装着する。このデバイスは、GPSや信号を発信し「UP & GO」と通信、デバイスを装着した人がどこに移動しようとも追跡できるシステムになっているのだ。

And flight.Hold the aircraft with one hand, turn on the electric motor turning the propeller and gently release it, and the aircraft flies softly in the sky and flies near the master (device wearer).When you return, you will gently land on your palm.It's a cute guy (drone) like a breeding bird.

By the way, the flight time is about 20 minutes.The maximum speed is about 54.7km/h.Since it is equipped with a lithium battery, you can fly as many times as you want.

Abundant shooting mode

Next is about shooting.First of all, there is a PV that introduces the actual shooting scene, so please take a look.

As you can see from the video, if you have a tracking device, you will follow wherever you go and take the movement of the subject.

追跡して決定的瞬間を逃さない! 自撮りドローン「UP & GO」 - Monavis

There are five shooting methods:

1, Bread 2, Slide 3, Hover 4, Pivot 5, Follow

1 is drawn, 2 is moving horizontally, 3 is a fixed position, and the scenes are far away from the shooting, and 4 is a tracking around the subject of the shooting, and 5 is tracking.You can shoot each.You can choose so many modes, so you can shoot a video that is a professional.

The video size that the mounted camera can shoot is 1080p 60fps/720p 120fps.Unfortunately, the trendy 4K video is impossible, but you can shoot a fairly vivid movie of HD.

The reasonable price is also attractive

It is also noteworthy that the price is cheap.

Currently, this camera is conducting a pre -release campaign on the American cloud funding site "Indigogo".The campaign is sold for $ 399 (about 40,000 yen) and a limited model with black aircraft for $ 499 (about 50,000 yen).

撮影対象を追尾するドローンには、例えばDJIのファントム4があるが、お値段は機体のみで18万9000円。こちらは4K動画も撮影できるのが魅力だが、どちらかといえばプロ入門用的なモデルで、レジャーにだけ使うのはちょっともったいない。対する「UP & GOエアリアル・カメラ」は、GoProヒーロー4と同等の価格で購入することができる。レジャー向けオンリーで、HD動画で十分だというにはうってつけだ。

The flying range is still narrow in Japan

この「UP & GOエアリアル・カメラ」があれば、いろんなスポーツで手軽に空撮が楽しめるのだが、日本ではひとつ問題がある。

Currently, the place where you can fly drones is limited to private land or permission by aviation law in Japan.There are many places in the United States, where there are many places called "private land as far as you can see," and there are few places in Japan in narrow island countries.So, for example, you can only feel that the running of cars and motorcycles is taken by the facility with permission from a circuit.

As you know, only drones are increasingly demand, including industrial purposes, and it is highly likely that regulations will gradually be eased in the future.It is a waste to be able to use such a convenient and fun thing, I want to pay attention to future movements.

参考:UP&GO Aerial Camera(INDIGOGO)