U.S. Army does not announce until t...


U.S. Army does not announce until the killing of a private person in Syria in 2019 by Syria Air Bomb

(CNN) The U.S. military acknowledged for the first time in a bombing in Syria in Syria in 2019 that it had killed civilians, including women and children.The airstrike was performed a few days before the extremist organization, Iraqi Syrian Islamic State (ISIS).That fact has not been published before.

The bombing facts came to light in a survey report published by the New York Times on the 13th.

According to a statement by a US Central Army's Bill Urban, on March 18, 19, 2019, there was a support request for the U.S. Democratic Army (SDF), which was attacked by the Syrian Army (SDF).The Allies siege the ISIS base in Syria's bugs.However, at the end of the battle, which reached a few days, the ISIS side counterattacked using small fire, rockets, and suicide bombing.

At this time, only the F15 fighter could execute the bombing on site.The only unmanned unmanned aircraft can only shoot standard image quality images, and aircraft and unmanned aircraft, which can record clear images with high image quality, left the site a few hours after the battle started.

F15 has one 500 -pound precision guidance bomb and two precision induction bombs of 2000 pounds following the report that there are no civilian people in the same area from the SDF combatant and the unmanned aerial aircraft scouted over the sky.drop.There was a possibility that dozens of people had killed in this airstrike.

米軍、2019年にシリア空爆で民間人殺害 報道されるまで公表せず

It is alleged that the US Special Forces, which allowed the airstrike, did not know that another unmanned unit of the volunteer union, which could record high -quality images, was operated in the area.

A few hours after the bombing, an unmanned pilot reported that civilian could have died at a bombing point.

The U.S. Army has been accused of responding to the response of the identity of civilians.In August this year, he attacked an unmanned aircraft in Afghanistan and killed 10 civilians, including seven children.

At a press conference on the 15th, the Pentagon, John Kirby, asks Lloyd Austin to explain the air bombing in Syria in Syria in March 2019.I revealed that I was.

A U.S. military survey stipulated that the "legitimate self -defense attack" to support SDF has killed at least 16 ISIS combatants.In addition, while killing four civilians and injuring eight people, the remaining 60 people killed by this airstrike said that they could not be characterized by the decisive position.I left the possibility that there were more victims of people.

According to an urban spokeswoman, "it was not possible to determine how much the armed personnel and untrained staff were mixed," he said, and in the video, "multiple armed women and at least one armed child."Explained that he was observing.He acknowledged that "it is extremely likely that more civilians have been killed by these two bombings."

Despite the investigation and the death of a civilian, the US military did not publish the bombing facts until the New York Times reported, so we questioned the legitimacy of this attack.There are also voices from US officials.

The Pentagon's Annual Report on Civil Pacific Citizens in 1993 did not mention the Syrian air bombing on March 18, the same year, when civilian was killed.