Ultra Light / Mountaineering Equipm...


Ultra Light / Mountaineering Equipment Lightweight Method -With Equipment List | Mountain Trip

It is important to take steps in order to reduce the weight of mountain climbing equipment.It is also a good idea to organize your head and climbing equipment to cut unnecessary equipment, and sometimes use ultra light equipment.This time, we will introduce the road to the weight reduction for each step.

table of contents

  • 7 Change the equipment
  • 8 Recommended articles on lighter weight
  • 9 Equipment recommended for lighter and replacement
  • Advantages of lighter equipment

    First of all, let's organize why we are lighter.The advantage of lighter weight is

    And so on.You may be able to challenge climbing that you have given up so far due to lighter weight.It may help when you move from a mountain climbing hut to a tent stay.

    Lighter weight increases the possibility of risk hedging.It is important to note that the priority of lightweight is increased too much, impairing the original necessary functions, resulting in risks.Try to make effective weight -lighter, taking the right steps so that you have become too cold and have a hypothermia, you have lost your bed, or so to avoid it.

    Mountain climbing equipment Step to lighter weight

    In the 5 steps, we first organize the head and mountain climbing equipment.By doing this, you can reconsider whether it is a really necessary mountain tool, omit unnecessary things, carry what you need, and you can reduce the weight.

    Finally, consider whether the tool is lightweight for what you need, and if you can reduce the weight, consider switching to an ultra -light tool.It will also be a consultation with money, so buy a new item with a high weight impact.

    Arrange the equipment

    Let's arrange the equipment that you always carry around mountain climbing.Rainwear, winter clothing, tent stay equipment, clothes change, mountain rice tools, etc. in categories.

    Divide the equipment

    From among the arranged equipment, those that are brought to mountain climbing but not used at all, and those that are often used.

    It would be easier to divide it if there is a category that does not apply to the above, and that it is sometimes used, or not, but it is necessary.

    Once you have a total of four types of classifications, we will examine the categories other than those you often use next.

    Select the equipment

    I think that what you often use is an important equipment for climbing for you.First of all, let's take a look at the other categories from "I don't use it, but I need it."

    There may be rainwear, first aid, and the Emgen Seakit.These are sometimes important to protect your life, so move them to the equipment category you bring.

    We will examine the remaining equipment after the movement, the equipment to be used occasionally, and the equipment that are not used at all.

    For example, if you have such equipment, it is an object to cut.

    Surely, when climbing, I was worried about "what if I was anxious", but I was able to use it elsewhere, I was too worried in the first place, and I was eliminating the equipment of such thoughts.。


    Equipment weight

    Let's weigh the items determined that it is essential equipment in the arrangement, separation, and selection steps.When measuring the weight, the tent pegs and ground seats are also carefully listed.You can see that the total weight of the tent is also due to the weight.

    The table above is the equipment list assuming a tent night.In the case of a mountain hut, you can ignore the tent stay equipment.

    When weighing the weight, the heavy luggage is obvious at a glance, and the more heavy luggage, the priority candidate for the next step, "Change equipment."

    It is important to weigh heavy luggage and then think again if this luggage is really needed.Even if you select the equipment side by side, there is a possibility that you may not be worried and you may be choosing something unnecessary, so let's reconsider here again.

    However, the important thing here is not to carry it because it is heavy.At the expense of "fun" and "comfort" in your mountain climbing style, it is more than a boring mountain climbing.

    For example, suppose there is a sandal that you carry to live a comfortable tent life.If you wear trail running shoes and climb, you may not need sandals because you can get a sense of openness simply by loosening the shoelaces.

    In addition, it is necessary to think together with the mountain trip plan because rainwear is heavy because of its heavy weight and excellent weather resistance.This is the steps that change the next equipment.

    Change the equipment

    It is a step to change the equipment from here.There are three ways to change the equipment.

    If you are new to the weight of equipment, the means of replacing a new one will be the most lightweight.If you have already reduced the weight, it may be better to consider the means to "summarize / replace (change)" or "cut parts".

    In order to determine the priority of the equipment candidate to be replaced, add the equipment name, price, weight, and weight replacement to be replaced in the equipment weight list.* The "replacement candidate" in the table below is a recommended item for reducing as much as you know at this time.* Only items with replacement candidates are listed.

    ※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。 ※横スクロールで表がスクロールできます。

    If there is a difference in weight, dividing the weight by price will make the cost per 1g (upper right, right) at a glance.If you give a priority to buy a new one in this cost performance order, you can reduce the impact.

    For those who can afford the money, giving priority to the product to be purchased with only the weight difference of the equipment will increase the weight reduction impact.

    The point to be aware of when you buy a new one is to compare the contents of the mountain and equipment.If you go out for a vertical running of 2000m or more, you should assume that it will hit a strong rain and wind.

    It is dangerous to climb a vertical run with a thin rain jacket, as the perceived temperature drops by 1m at 1m wind speed.In this case, you should carry rainwear that emphasizes weather resistance, not the weight to the priority.

    Light equipment = Danger, heavy equipment = safety

    I think this is not healthy in terms of equipment.As I mentioned at the beginning, you can understand the benefits of lighter weight.

    Looking at the micro, not the macro of equipment, it understands that it is necessary to tolerate some weight, even if it is not heavy equipment because it emphasizes safety like rainwear. I can do it.

    There are several ways to reduce the weight by putting together.

    First is the staff bag.If you are using many staff bags and pouches to divide items in detail, you can reduce the weight by collecting them together.

    If the staff bag used at this time is waterproof, the rain cover can be omitted.If Zack is made of fabric to keep water, it will rain and become heavy, so in that case, carry the rain cover.

    Next is the pillow.I was carrying a pillow with a tent staying equipment, but I introduced an item that is also used as a staff bag, and it becomes two birds with one stone to achieve lighter weight.

    Next is a windbreaker.After getting a thin and lightweight rain jacket, it is also used as a windbreaker.Comparing the rain jacket and the windbreaker, the good moisture permeability is a windbreaker, but it is cool to open the zipper when it gets hot, so there is no unpleasant feeling.

    山旅山旅/キューベンリバーシブルスタッフバッグ ピロ- | 山旅 powered by BASEhttps://socal.official.ec/items/35504335/キューベンファイバーと止水ジップを組み合わせて防水性能を高めた山旅スタッフサック。縫製部分にもキューベンファイバーテープを施し、軽量性を保ちながら防水性能を高めています。リバーシブルになっていて、裏返すと枕として使用できます。バンジーコードが付属されておりマットに固定することができます。頭に当たる部分はポリエステル100%のニット地でふわっとした気持ちのよい素材でありながら軽量に作られています。ごわつかずコンパクトになるのが特徴です。帰りのお風呂セット(下着、靴下、Tシャツ、薄手のズボン、タオル...

    Exchange is a review of the equipment to carry around, for example, changing the tent's guyline from 3mm to 2mm.By making the gyeline thinner, you can make it compact and compact.

    By considering the draw code attached to the Zac and the cord lock, the weight reduction can be achieved by stacking not only in the Gyeline.It is important to note that it is easy to use with gloves.Keep in mind that you have to remove the glove by reducing the cord lock, especially in the cold season.

    Next is the lantern.Use headlights instead of lanterns.If you put it on the ground, put a plati path with water on the headlights to become a lantern.

    In addition, if you put a headlights in a cooker storage bag made by DCF (Dynima Cuben Fiber), you can use a lantern trip from the mountain trip, which can be used quite a bit.It can be used in various scenes because it can be hanged in the tent.

    山旅山旅/キューベンランタンシェード(兼EVERNEW チタンカップ400用スタッフバック) ...https://socal.official.ec/items/44289528/半透明素材で、柔らかくヘッドライトと組み合わせることでランタンシェードになります。別途ランタンが必要なくなるので、軽量化アイテムとしてご活用頂けます。EVERNEW チタンカップ400用のスタッフバッグとして仕上げた、0.4Lほどの大きさのスタッフサックです。キューベンファイバーで作成しておりますので、非常に軽量です。●中身の出し入れがしやすいように、開口部は底に比べて広めに作っています。●コードΦ1.5ミリ●サイズ:底Φ10センチ×高さ11センチ×開口部Φ17.5センチ●重量:4グラム※ご要望のサイズのスタッフサックの制作も承...

    Finally fuel.It is related to the style of mountain rice, but if you want to enjoy home cooking, a gas stove is convenient, but if you use hot water to prepare mountain rice, you can change the fuel into solid fuel.

    The impact of lighter weight is quite large because the cooker can be replaced with a compact and simple one just to make a mountain rice that uses hot water.

    Finally, it is a way to cut it.Many of the tent mats support the entire body with a regular 180cm.Shave the size to his S size 120cm and lay a Zack at his feet.This does not hinder the comfort unexpectedly.

    Next is the backpack rain lid.If you are using a backpack with rain lid, if it is a day climb that does not rain, it will be removed by removing it.If there is a rain cover, I think that omitting the rain lid will not hinder.

    We have introduced the path to weight reduction for each step.This time I don't mention food, but it's also very important to consider food to reduce weight.

    Recommended articles on lighter weight

    An article about a vertical climbing that actually lighter weight.Here are some articles on the actual equipment list and the ingredients list of mountain rice.

    山旅旅装備の軽量化方法 テント泊装備総重量を7キロ以内にhttps://yamatabitabi.com/archives/101934装備の軽量化について考えてみたいと思います。今回考えるのはテント泊における装備で、水を含めて7キロ以内に収めることを目標にしたいと思います。登山装備の軽量化とは登山装備を軽量化しようという心がけで、装備の見直し、改善につながります。実は不必要なものを持ち歩いていたり、オーバースペックな装備によって重量が嵩んでいたりと、見直すべきポイントがわかり、改善を行うことで、軽量化ができ快適に登山を楽しめるようになります。軽いことが正義というのは誤りですが、軽くすることで快適になる装備があると思いますので...山旅旅軽量化で楽しむ南アルプス縦走登山 装備編https://yamatabitabi.com/archives/28843毎年お盆休みは長期縦走登山を楽しむイベント性の高い期間となる。今年挑戦するのは南アルプス核心部をつく縦走登山。鳥倉(豊口山)登山口から赤石岳に向かい、聖岳、茶臼岳、光岳を巡り、最終畑薙第一ダムへ下山するという4泊5日の縦走登山だ。スタートは 鳥倉(豊口山)登山口 。左上のオレンジのSというアイコンが地点。 畑薙第一ダムが今回の縦走のゴール。右下の青いGというアイコンが地点。南アルプスの核心部は山深く、アクセスが大変なことでも有名だ。行きは高速バスとタクシーを乗り継いで登山口まで向かい、帰りは静岡行き...山旅旅軽量化で楽しむ南アルプス縦走登山 食料編https://yamatabitabi.com/archives/288634泊5日の南アルプス縦走を楽しむための装備編を前回お送りした。今回は食料編を紹介したいと思う。縦走時の食事プランは以下の通り。ちなみに以下は7キロに装備を抑える,まとめ記事となっているので、装備の軽量化を検討している方は是非読んでもらいたい。おすすめポイント基本はお湯で作れる食事をメイン山小屋にも食事のお世話になるパッケージはとりサランラップなどに変更する袋の中にある乾燥剤やスプーンは事前に取っておく乾燥野菜を取り入れる4泊5日の食事プラン縦走1日目朝 コンビニおにぎり昼 小屋飯(小河内岳避難小屋)夜...山旅旅登山で使える固形燃料-エスビット・ダイソー・ニイタカ(ニチネン)https://yamatabitabi.com/archives/108856固形燃料には様々なものがあり代表的な固形燃料にはエスビット、ニイタカ(ニチネン)、ダイソーの固形燃料があります。それぞれに特徴があるので固形燃料を選ぶ際のヒントになればと思います。比較する固形燃料固形燃料の比較の方法には重量、大きさ、燃焼時間、コストパフォーマンスなどで判断することになります。今回比較するのはひとつの固形燃料でお湯を沸かすことができるサイズの固形燃料という縛りで4種類の固形燃料をピックアップしました。ダイソー固形燃料ニイタカ(ニチネン)固形燃料25g(10~40gまで5g刻みで種類がある...

    Equipment recommended for lighter and replacement

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