US imposes additional sanctions on...


US imposes additional sanctions on Iran Innocent family at the mercy of international politics and "British Trump"

President Trump withdraws retaliatory attack

[From London] Iran attacked six tankers, including tankers operated by Kokka Sangyo, a shipping company in Tokyo, and U.S. drones (Drone) Tensions between the US and Iran have risen after the RQ-4 Global Hawk was shot down.

U.S. President Donald Trump authorized three retaliatory strikes, but backed out at the last minute after hearing that 150 people would be killed. He announced on Twitter on the 22nd that:

"It is absolutely unacceptable for Iran to have nuclear weapons. Under [Barack] Obama's (former US President) terrible plan, Iran will be able to build nuclear weapons in just a few years."

"The current method of verification is unacceptable. We will impose massive additional sanctions on Monday (24th). We want to see sanctions lifted and Iran becoming a productive and prosperous country. As soon as possible." The sooner the better the results.”

On April 3, 2016, Nazanin Zagari-Ratcliffe (40), a British-Iranian dual citizen, lived with her daughter Gabriella, who turned 1 year and 10 months old, at her parents' home in Nowruz (under the Iranian calendar). I was about to catch a flight home to the UK at Imam Khomeini International Airport after spending the day.

Nazanin, who was a project manager at the Reuters charity Thomson Reuters Foundation, was suddenly arrested by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard without being told why. He was put in solitary confinement and sentenced to five years in prison for plotting to overthrow the state.

Ms. Nazanin had just returned to her family home in Iran for the holidays, and she had no idea why she would be charged with subversion, which has jeopardized Iran's national security.

It has been 1178 days since June 24th.

Iran's Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Araghti, who discussed Nazanin's release with British Foreign Minister Marison, said, "Iran will not give in to threats. Those accused of espionage must serve their sentences." that's right.

US to impose additional sanctions on Iran International Innocent family at the mercy of politics and

Nazanin is in an Iranian prison and her husband Richard, 44, is on hunger strike outside the Iranian embassy in London to demand his release. She entered the 9th day in 24 days. Richard responded to my inquiry as follows.

-Are you in touch with Mr. Nazanin and your daughter Gabriella?

Mr. Richard "Nazanin will call you on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.1 8 minutes per session.She is weak from a hunger strike and is being checked in a prison infirmary.He says her blood pressure is low.Gabriela is living well at her grandparents' house in Tehran and talking on Skype. ”

"Nazanin has been in solitary confinement for a long time as a political prisoner. She suffers from mental health issues, including panic attacks, and is very unstable. Although she does not have cancer, she has an enlarged breast lump." ”

"She cares about how much public attention she's getting. She cares about my health."

--How is Mr. Richard feeling?

"He is sleeping in a tent and his heart is beating fast. I have decided to go on a hunger strike with Nazanin. I will not continue." She's the one who decides and when to stop.

――How will tensions between the United States and Iran affect Mr. Nazanin's problems?

"Politics in the United States, politics in the United Kingdom, and politics in Iran are very complicated. The issue is old and different from the current US-Iran tensions, but it will make things difficult."

"The Iranian embassy has set up a fence to block us. Our problem is simple: Nazanin is innocent and should be released."

--Why do you think Iran won't release Mr. Nazanin?

"The Iranian Revolutionary Guard detains many foreigners. They are using them as bargaining chips." The international community needs to raise its voice to stop this kind of thing.”

--Former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is almost certain to become the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

"If you want to take responsibility for your country, you must first take responsibility for your own crimes." We should take responsibility for what we did wrong, we should fix the problem for that mistake, and what he said made Nazanin's problem even more complicated."

When he was foreign minister, Mr Johnson said Nazanin was "training journalists (not on vacation)", justifying imprisonment by the Iranian side for training dissident journalists and plotting to overthrow the state. I gave you an excuse.

Mr. Johnson just had a big fight with his girlfriend Carrie Simmons (31) who lives with him in the early morning of the 21st and caused a commotion that neighbors called the police. Can a ``political clown'' who cannot control his own private life protect the lives and safety of the people?
