Vol.22 MAVIC What is the reason why...


Vol.22 MAVIC What is the reason why the choice user finally got DJI FPV?[Masaya Taji's Hong Kong Drone, China] | DRONE

DJI's new drone "DJI FPV"

On March 2, 2021, DJI announced the new drone "DJI FPV".The announced drone was attractive and interested, but it wasn't my hand, so I bought it once.

After that, on March 5th, "Live to Talk about FPV" was held on my YouTube channel, and Mr. Ozawa, who has been living in Shanghai for many years, and Mr. Tadaike, a Hong Kong Drone friend, participated (two of them.The YouTube channel is listed below).By the way, Mr. Taike is an experienced person who owns several underwater drones in addition to Parrot ANAFI and Autel Evo in addition to DJI products.

It was a live that I started thinking that there was no purchase, but at the end I was the most surprised that I had solidified my intention to purchase (the live video link is posted below).The following two points were confirmed during the live, so I leaned to the purchase.

  1. これまでのMavicシリーズと同様に飛ばせるNモードが備わっているDJI FPVはノーマル(N)モード、スポーツ(S)モード、マニュアル(M)モードという3つのフライトモードが用意されており、初心者からベテランユーザーまで対応可能になっている
  2. 緊急停止ボタンが送信機に備わっている万が一コントロールできなくなったときにも緊急停止ボタンを押すことで瞬時にホバリングモードに移行する機能が装備されている。これであればMモード飛行時にミスっても事故を回避可能

Even if you can't learn the difficult M mode if you have these functions, you'll be able to convince yourself if you get a high athletic drone.

Another thing that I felt that my own drone video was rut recently may also be a factor that stepped on to the FPV.Now, of course, youTube is full of drone images on terrestrial television, and the camera drone video is no longer special.

In 2019, when I was able to travel freely, I was talking about a plan to go to the Chinese superb view spots, Guilin and the Zhang family, and between the strange rocks that appeared in a movie avatar.It was a FPV -like image that slipped through.When Corona converges, I want to go to a superb view spot and operate the FPV endlessly and make it a fresh image!

I think that kind of thought was the reason why I decided to purchase.So, I've written the flow that has led to the purchase of DJI FPV, but what do you think now after three weeks?

This is already very satisfying.In the evening, the simulator is dazzled every day, and on the weekends I go out to practice on the actual machine.

Of course, the actual machine is only N mode and S mode, only the simulator is M mode, but if you look at the DJI mini 2 and FPVs, you can see the stable drone video and the FPV video mixed to make it sharp.I think you can feel the potential that it is going to be a certain video (this video is only N and S mode, which can be called a true FPV video, but please look at it more because it makes you feel for the foreseeable impression.)

Vol.22 Mavic一択ユーザーがついにDJI FPV入手した理由とは?[田路昌也の中国・香港ドローン便り] | DRONE

By the way, I would like to share Mr. Ozawa that DJI FPV, which was taught live, is also a game changer for existing FPV users.

Until now, it was common for FPV to fly only for about 5 minutes with one battery.

However, in addition to being able to fly for about 20 minutes with DJI FPV, N -mode, S mode, and M mode can be switched even during flights.At the moment you catch it, you can switch to M mode and do dynamic shooting.

This is just an example, but I think that it is only a DJI FPV that has taken good camera drone and FPV.

The DJI FPV sold outside of Japan uses the 5GHz band to transmit goggles.However, DJI FPV, which is sold in Japan, has a special specification that uses the 2.4GHz band to transmit goggles.

Until now, in order to enjoy FPV in Japan, there were two hurdles to apply goggles to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism visual flight application, and apply for a radio station to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.However, this DJI FPV is only 2.4GHz, so it is not necessary to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Many of users who are flying drones in earnest have experienced applications with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, so it is a big Japanese user to be able to use FPV in the past application.It can be said that it is an advantage.

In addition, the procedure for using the 5GHz band for commercial use was even more troublesome, but DJI FPV, which uses only 2.4GHz, does not require the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications application, so the hurdle will be reduced drastically in terms of commercial use.That's it.

I would be glad if this column was a bit tired of the camera drone video, but it would be helpful for those who are hesitant to be unable to get FPV.

Related Links

▶ ︎ Mr. Ozawa's YouTube channel

▶ ︎Taike's YouTube channel

▶ ︎Youtube live video (explanation about Mr. Ozawa's DJI FPV)