Vol.51 Delivery Drone Environment e...


Vol.51 Delivery Drone Environment evolution [Kein Kobayashi's drone at the forefront] | DRONE

Drone delivery that delays spread

It was about eight years ago, December 2013, the bold plan for U.S. Amazon to use drones for delivery.After a long period of time, various major companies other than Amazon are working to realize drone delivery, but the items we have ordered are still delivered by human delivery staff.

Of course, demonstration experiments, drone delivery for regions and varieties (such as delivery of medical products in Africa, delivery of letters to remote islands, etc.) are gradually succeeding, so they are not realized at all.Is a bad word.However, Amazon was unprecedented, saying that at the beginning of the planning of the plan in 2013, he said, "As early as 2015, start drone delivery in 2015."

Vol.51 配送用ドローンが促す環境の進化[小林啓倫のドローン最前線] | DRONE

Amazon (2015 video) that drew a vision of realizing "30 distribution" using a drone

It is not only technical factors that prevent the spread of drone delivery.The story is simple if you simply put your luggage on a drone and fly it, but the social and institutional reasons are complicated.Even if you take one regulation, as you know, the flying flights have strict rules in each country, and it is almost impossible for a completely autonomous drone to fly in the city.In Japan, in March 2021, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced the "Guidelines on Delivery of Luggage using drones", but it can be said that full -scale rules have finally begun.

In addition, if drones are used in a way similar to the current home delivery service to the current individual housing, it must also work on issues such as noise and privacy in urban areas.It is not limited to drone delivery, for example, as a car has created various issues when automobiles began to spread to the general public.In order to make new technologies easy to use in everyday life, it is necessary to work on various "environmental development".

One of these "environments" is the question of how to receive it during a drone delivery.If you are a human, you can respond flexibly to the delivery destination.For example, if a resident is in a house but cannot be out for some reason, it is possible to obtain permission and switch to a "placement".However, if you want to respond to the delivery drone, you will have to wait for a more advanced AI to be developed.The idea is to evolve not only the drone but also the "mailbox" side that receives the luggage.