What is a ``jaw camera'' that activ...


What is a ``jaw camera'' that activates voice commands without speaking?

I ``…………'' Siri ``Play Britney's greatest hits''

Artificial assistants are convenient, aren't they? Being able to use voice recognition to ask for tasks is very much like an assistant, and once you get used to it, it's really easy. But isn't there a scene where you can't speak? It's simply that someone is sleeping next to you, or you're in a remote meeting. Also, I would like to secretly ask the people around me...

Perhaps the day will come when you can use voice commands without speaking. If only there was a "chin camera" developed by Cornell University.

Voice command without speaking What is the

Reading vocalizations from jaw movements

SpeeChin, researched and developed by Cornell University assistant professor Cheng Zhang and doctoral student Ruidong Zhang, is a camera that hangs around the neck.

The dangling camera faces upwards, toward the chin, and reads the movement of the lip-syncing jaws to trigger commands without vocalizing the task. What is the difference between taking a picture of the face with a camera and reading the movement of the mouth? That's exactly what makes SpeeChin so unique. It reads the movement of your jaw from below, so you don't have to capture your face, which means you can protect your privacy.

20 people participated in the SpeeChin experiment. Ten people tried 54 simple phrases in English (such as numbers and basic tasks for artificial assistants), and the other 10 people tried 44 phrases in Chinese. As a result, after the training period, SpeeChin's accuracy increased to 90.5% in English and 91.6% in Chinese.

However, it is the accuracy of silent commands when sitting still, and the accuracy of SpeeChin drops significantly when motions such as walking are involved. The research is still in its early stages and there are probably a lot of problems, but it's interesting and maybe it will make Siri and Alexa more convenient.
