What is aluminum siding?Thorough ex...


What is aluminum siding?Thorough explanation of renovation costs, construction periods, and precautions on construction | Mynavi News | Reform

"What is aluminum siding?"

"How much is the renovation cost?"

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The outer walls damaged by natural disasters can be renovated using fire insurance.

If you do not know how to apply, it is recommended to use an application support company.


The investigation cost is free for "complete performance reward system", so please tap the following buttons and get a free diagnosis.

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* Rental, category, and non -insurance are not eligible

  1. What is aluminum siding? The outer wall cover material using aluminum
  2. What is the cost of aluminum siding?
  3. The construction period for the installation of aluminum siding is from about 2 weeks
  4. 4 advantages of aluminum siding
    1. ①軽量だから地震の揺れに強い
    2. ②断熱性に優れている
    3. ③防音性が高い
    4. ④錆びにくい
  5. Two disadvantages of aluminum siding
    1. ①強い衝撃を受けると傷が付きやすい
    2. ②ほかのサイディング材に比べ耐用年数が短い
  6. Three ways to keep the cost of aluminum siding low
    1. ①自社で施工まで行う業者に依頼する
    2. ②複数の業者から見積りを取る
    3. ③火災保険の給付金を活用する
  7. 3 points to note when adopting aluminum siding
    1. ①サイディング材の設置する向きを検討する
    2. ②家屋の状態に最適な施工方法を選ぶ
    3. ③定期的なメンテナンスを忘れない
  8. Summary: If you want to renew the outer wall with aluminum siding, use fire insurance

What is aluminum siding? The outer wall cover material using aluminum



Siding materials include galvarium steel plates and stainless steel, but aluminum is said to be durable.


However, compared to other outer wall materials, the color variations are less and the price tends to be higher.

What is the cost of aluminum siding?

There are two renovation methods using aluminum siding:

Replacement work is a remodeling method for removing existing outer walls and installing a new outer wall material.

On the other hand, a stacking work (cover method) refers to a method of setting a new outer wall material over an existing outer wall.

The market price of each total cost is as follows.


If the construction area is small, it is possible to renovate cheaper than the above.

Please refer to the following for the market price at the unit price of square meters.




The construction period for the installation of aluminum siding is from about 2 weeks



The number of days required by process is as follows in the case of replacement work.


In addition, the number of construction days for stacking work is about 2-3 weeks.

Since the removal of existing wall materials is not necessary, the construction period is shorter than the replacement work.

4 advantages of aluminum siding

We introduced the cost of renovation and construction periods that handle aluminum siding.



Among many outer wall materials, aluminum siding is a top -class lightness.


In addition, because it is made of metal, cracking of the outer wall due to shaking is unlikely to occur.

If you value earthquake resistance, we recommend using aluminum siding.

Aluminum siding has excellent heat insulation because it is an integrated product with insulation.

This is because the material called "hard gun -powered plastic form" contained in the insulated material traps heat into the bubbles.


By using aluminum siding, you will be warm in winter, cool in summer, and you will be able to spend the whole year comfortably.

The rigid gun plastic form contained in the insulation material in the aluminum siding also has soundproofing.


In addition, when stacking work is performed, the soundproofing can be further enhanced by double the outer wall.

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For those who are stressed by leaks and noise of living sounds, we recommend exterior wall renovation using aluminum siding.

Aluminum siding is excellent in waterproof and hard to rust.

The main material aluminum itself has a resistance to rust among metals.


It is resistant to frozen damage that occurs in cold regions and prevents houses from deterioration.

Aluminum siding is recommended for the outer walls of houses along the coast and cold regions with sea breeze.

Two disadvantages of aluminum siding


Here we will explain each in detail.


Aluminum siding, aluminum, is a metal that is vulnerable to impact.

If you receive a strong impact, you can easily dent, and sudden temperature changes may cause distortion.

In addition, if the surface is strongly rubbed, the coating may be damaged, which may make it easier for water to penetrate.


Therefore, if the surface is damaged, consider repairing and maintenance before rusting and deterioration progresses.

Metal siding such as aluminum siding has a shorter service life than other siding materials.

Ceramic siding, which is often used as a siding material other than metal, boasts a service life for 30 to 40 years.


If the service life exceeds, the deterioration will proceed, and the strength of siding materials will not be able to be demonstrated well.

When adopting aluminum siding, know the useful life and maintain it at the right time.

Three ways to keep the cost of aluminum siding low

Aluminum siding is expensive, so I want to renovate it a little cheaper.



Please refer to it to prevent unexpected expenses.

There are some contractors that are performed by our own construction, and a contractor who entrusts the subcontractor.

Be sure to check in advance and ask a company that is performed in -house.

Especially in the case of major renovation companies, the construction itself is often left to the subcontractor, and extra brokerage fees are charged.


Be sure to estimate the cost from multiple vendors.

Looking at one company's estimate alone, it is not easy to determine whether the presented amount is reasonable.


In order not to regret unnecessary expenses, it is important to determine the trader until you are satisfied.

Fire insurance may be available for renovation of the outer wall.

Fire insurance is also covered by damages of houses received due to natural disasters and sudden accidents.

However, care must be taken because the cause is not allowed if the cause is aging.



The investigation cost is free for "complete performance reward system", so please tap the following buttons and get a free diagnosis.

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* Rental, category, and non -insurance are not eligible

3 points to note when adopting aluminum siding

So far, we have introduced how to reduce the construction cost of aluminum siding.




Many of the sanding materials that support "horizontal" are highly designed, but rainwater tends to accumulate in the connection part and the surface is not well drained.

On the other hand, "vertical tension" is well drained because rainwater flows along the connection.

However, because the base is stretched sideways, the air inside the wall is less likely to come off and the moisture tends to accumulate.

Depending on the product, the direction of stretching is determined, such as "horizontally vertical use" or "vertical tension only".

Talk to the contractor and decide which direction to install.

The construction method of aluminum siding includes stacking work (cover method) and replacement work.

Which construction method is suitable depends on the condition of the house as follows.


If the house is generally less deteriorated, there will be no problem with stacking work (cover method).

On the other hand, if severe deterioration is seen, such as water enters inside, replacement work is required.


Aluminum siding is a rust -resistant outer wall material, but does not mean that it does not rust at all.

Leaving the wounds or a little rust on the surface will cause rainwater to enter the building, leading to deterioration of the building.

It is important to have the contractor make a repair suitable and minimize damage to the building.


Summary: If you want to renew the outer wall with aluminum siding, use fire insurance


Although it is vulnerable to strong impact and has a short service life, regular maintenance can maintain a longer life.

There are two ways to renovate, but let's look at the state of the house and choose the best construction method.


In addition, fire insurance may be applied for damage to the outer wall due to natural disasters.

If you do not know how to apply, use the application support company.


The investigation cost is free for "complete performance reward system", so please tap the following buttons and get a free diagnosis.

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* Rental, category, and non -insurance are not eligible


He has been working for a major renovation company for five years and has been in charge of consultation on renovation requests from various customers.Taking advantage of the experience of working hard to meet your needs, we will introduce the contents that will help those who are worried about renovation at home.