Super tone machine that develops, w...


Super tone machine that develops, when will fly again in the sky?

(CNN) It seems that the beginning of a new era of ultrasonic flights is approaching, but there are three issues to overcome to fly at a speed exceeding the speed of sound."Three E" in the world of aviation, that is, "EnginelyRing (engineering)", "ENVIRONMENT (environment)", and "Economics".

Concorde, a super -speed passenger aircraft that lasted about 16 years ago, has only overcome engineering among three tasks.

Concorde was able to cross the Atlantic Ocean in less than half of other commercial aircraft, but could not pay for environmental and operating costs.

With the focus on carbon dioxide emissions and global environments, it is really possible to maintain a super -speed commercial aircraft that has revived?Can the airline and manufacturers benefit and provide affordable prices to passengers?

There are two companies in the United States that are convinced of success, and are planning to launch a super -speed machine market by the mid -2020s.There is also a plan to connect New York and London in just 3 hours and 15 minutes.

The two companies have aimed at the airlines and the business jet market, and have provided different solutions for the Sonic Boom (impact sound), which hindered the super -sound flight in terms of environment.

"I can't wait for the world"

"Concorde was a magnificent experiment with excellent aircraft, but the emissions and noise were too large and the operation cost was too high." "Our efforts are very different."This is said to Tom Vise, the chairman and president of the United States, and CEO.

Aerion is developing a super -speed jet "AS2" at the headquarters in Rino, Nevada, Nevada.

The speed of AS2 is Mach 1.4.He mentioned that it could shorten from New York to Cape Town in South Africa for three and a half hours, and to shorten more than 4 hours on routes connecting JFK International Airport, Singapore and Australian Shidney.

Aerion has already received 20 orders from the first customer, Flex Jet.The first flight is scheduled to be 2024 and aims to launch a market in 26 years.

The price is expensive as the price of $ 120 million (about 13 billion yen), but the company should spare spending time because of time saving.

However, Aerion's ambition is also aimed at developing environmentally friendly aircraft."The world cannot wait until 2050 to realize carbon native (to make carbon dioxide emissions a real zero)" (Vice)

"Fuel combustion is as small as possible"

アエリオンのAS2はニューヨークからロンドンまで4時間半で飛行できる可能性がある/Courtesy Aerion

Aerion partner companies include General Electric (GE) and Spirit Aero Systems.GE unveiled the super -speed engine "Afinity" last year.Spirit is developing a pressure body.

Regarding the design of the pilot room, Hanewell is developing the know -how with the ultra -sound speed and develops the processing devices, display devices, sensors, and flight control systems.

"We spent 10 years in developing advanced aerodynamic performance and high fuel -efficient engine because it was necessary to make fuel burning as efficiently designed as much as possible."


Companies save 142 hours a year

There is also a problem of noise.According to Vice, the AS2 is designed to satisfy the strictest regulations on the noise during the take -off land, "Aviation noise Standard Stage 5".

Probably one of the most innovative features of AS2 is the "boomless cruise," which can fly over the land without shocking waves.The shock wave returns to the atmosphere instead of heading to the ground.

There is another method called "low boom" as a method of super -sound flights with high quietness, and although there is less noise than Concorde, there is a sound similar to a long -thunder on the ground, so in Aerion "Boomless.We decided to develop a "cruise".

Analyzing a company that uses business jets in New York, it was found that using AS2 as an alternative would save 142 hours a year.

AS2の客室の完成予想図/Courtesy Aerion

How much do you pay to save time

Concorde's fare was about four times the business class seat, but Concorde was not a business jet.

How much will busy corporate executives pay to fly at high speeds on the stratastic with a super -sound charter?

Adam Touidel CEO and founder of the private charter's international reservation service "Private Fly" argued that "our customers will pay a 30 -minute shortage of 4 hours."

"Customers who use private jets will pay doubled if the speed is doubled, but they will also want the honor that they have been on a super -speed machine. This has happened in Concorde."Kotoda" (Touidel)

The aim is an airline

However, it is not limited to the luxury layer of the charter machine market that gains the honor of the ultrasonic flight.

Boom Super Sonic's hangar in Denver, Colorado is developing an overturning aircraft "overtur" in 55-75 seats.

The overturizing cruising speed is scheduled to be Mach 2.2, and the price is $ 200 million.Already, 10 from the British Virgin Group and 20 from Japan Airlines were provided for a total of $ 6 billion.

Boom Super Sonic's Break -Sonic's Break Shawl founder and CEO told CNN that "overtuers are in the design stage and are promoting the development and sophistication of major technologies and specifications."

Many of the main components, such as engines using sustainable alternative fuel, have already succeeded in the test, and will start flying in the mid -2020s.

Overure is planned to be introduced to over 500 routes, focusing on the crossing route where the speed of Mach 2.2 lives.Candidates are from New York to Rondon and to Tokyo from San Francisco.

Round trip to the Atlantic Ocean on a one -day business trip

日本航空はブーム社の「オーバーチュア」20機を仮発注した/Courtesy Boom

Overure is planned to fly sub -speed on the land, and it is unlikely that the Sonic boom will be affected in the densely populated area.It only flows at the sea at the sea.

According to a boom estimation, the mid -2020s are expected to demand 1,000 to 2,000 in 10 years from the start of employment, reaching $ 265 billion.

"Overchannel will be able to go back and forth in the Atlantic Ocean in one day." "I want you to imagine. Fly to London in the morning, talk with your business partners in the daytime, and sleep your child.You will be able to return to to you. "

Japan Airlines (JAL), a launch customer, is currently working closely with the boom, building an in -flight experience and making appropriate routes.

Kenji Morita, director of the JAL Business Creation Strategy Department, said, "Thanks to the investigation and customer feedback, it turns out that time has become a new product."By connecting in five and a half hours, customers can provide more flexibility. "

Regarding the date of service and routes, "I must first confirm the success of the test machine" XB1 "being produced by the boom."

"If success can be confirmed, we plan to consider which route is the most feasible for JAL's international network."