While walking in the nursery school...


While walking in the nursery school ... 6 children and one staff member in a giant hornet "Bee at this time is a ferocious"

Hornet hornet exterminated on site (5th, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture)

On the morning of the 5th, six children from nursery schools and one nursery worker who were walking in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture were pierced by a hornet.Everyone is mild.Expert "There are many working dripens and times when you are alert" According to the police and the city, 59 children and 5 nursery teachers walked on the promenade in Asama Onsen, Matsumoto City before 10:00 am on the 5th.It means that a hornet attacked from under the fallen tree.A total of seven people were bitten by four 4 -year -olds, two 5 -year -olds, and one male nursery, all were transported to the hospital, but the symptoms were mild.Later, the company requested by the city removed the nest.According to the trader, the stab is a big and aggressive hornet among the hornets.September and October are the time when the hornets are active, and the traders are calling out, "It's ferocious, so be careful until frost falls."


保育園の散歩中に…オオスズメバチに園児6人・職員1人が刺される 駆除業者「この時期のハチは凶暴」