Does the DX revolution occur in soc...


Does the DX revolution occur in society with digital twin?| @Dime at Daim

TOKYO2040 SIDE B 11th "Is there a DX revolution in society with digital twin?]

What if there is a "live copy" in the digital world?

 It is the season of the final tax return.I think everyone has felt the impression that it takes time, even though I've been used to it for many years.

 The ideal of DX is that daily life is fully automatically recorded, what kind of money you do, what kind of money you do, what kind of money you have .......At the moment of logging in, the item is filled based on the log, and the final tax return is completed just by confirming and consenting by the person.

 The hardship of the final tax return is made in a separate format, not only combines information that is not constant by attribute, but also the rules applied to each are different.

 Which of the money you enter and exit a year, what is withholding, what you pay for, what you can pay for, and what is insurance?What is medical deduction ...?Why is it complicated even though it happened to myself?

 What if this kind of information was integrated in the digital world, rather than being distributed here and there ...?The story is "Digital Twin" that is taken up this time.

Digital twin reproduction of a complete world

 Originally, not only the live copy of the person formed by data is "twin (twin)", but also a copy of the system and the world itself in reality to the digital world is called "digital twin".

 Last time, I wrote about the state of "multi -berth" that walked over a number of metavers and walked through a number of metavers, but if you apply digital twin to the city, the city will be reproduced as it is to meta spring.

 It is important to note that when digital twin is expressed as metavers, the effect will not be demonstrated unless all the sense of scale and physical laws is "duplicated".This requires a huge amount of data that makes up reality, and it is necessary to collect it over time.

 In addition, it is also important that you can use drones and various sensors to get real -time information.The reason is that the digital twin in this case functions as an "advanced simulator".It can be said that digital twin is worth it to instantly connect to a solution based on what is happening on site.

デジタルツインで社会にDX革命は起こるか?|@DIME アットダイム

 In the real world, it is costly to try and error, that is, to the cycle of tuning improvement such as PDCA.If you make a digital twin in advance and foresee that it will occur as much as possible, it will also help you reduce costs.

 It is said that the whole copy of the world with a metaarth -like approach will be very useful for urban design and disaster countermeasures in the future.

 In addition, digital twin methods are used for large machines and facilities such as aircraft, rockets, factories and generators.In the past, it was important to do daily inspections, such as unable to expect which structure and parts would be loaded depending on the environment and weather, but in addition to this, digital twin simulations have caused failure problems.It is a clue to predicting and improving.

How to associate with your own digital twin

 So what do you think of if you use a digital twin?As mentioned earlier, there are too many data in different format and things that are not data in the first place.We will make this digital twin and take a life log thoroughly.Perhaps you may be knowing yourself in the accumulation of experience and experience than you think.

 In the 11th episode of the novel "TOKYO2040" serialized in this magazine, I wrote a conversation that the missing person, "Digital Twin", was wandering around the metabers.If you release it in a metaverse as a bot (here is about an auto -controlled avatar), it will begin to move as if you were the person himself.

 A digital twin -made person lives in a city made of digital twin.Looking at it, the real person may say, "I wonder if I will go out today as the same as the digital twin went."

Will the turning point in handling personal information come?

 Despite the bright and fun future forecast with digital twins, at present it is not a mechanism that "information is aggregated on digital twin and the system accesses it".Based on the Personal Information Protection Law, the personal information that has been input and permission to use in various places only exists in the hohobo.

 Few people know where the variations are stored and how they can be controlled.I think that it is a flip that people do not take responsibility for grasping personal information and how to use it.

 This situation is forced to be inconvenient because it has not been unified, not only bad things, but also dispersed, so even in case of leakage or unexpected use.It can be said that it is small with only partial damage.

 It can be said that the use of digital twin by individuals can be achieved by changing from the era of entering the throat of personal information to "the era of coming to reference to digital twin information."While waiting for the moment to come, I would like to accomplish DX little by little, such as the final tax return with electrons.

Sento / Shion Sawa, IT -related corporate officer.Currently, he is also an advisor to DX strategy in local governments.He challenged himself as an independent rookie in the 2020 Tokyo governor, and was defeated in 9th (20,738 votes).

A new novel is developed in the magazine DIME magazine in connection with the contents of this column.Twenty years later, in the Tokyo metropolitan area where DX spread, the thoughts and lives of people who still can't shake it digitally are mixed.

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