"Auto high beam" is too dazzling an...


"Auto high beam" is too dazzling and unpopular!? Really needed?What are the problems of automatic headlights?



"Auto High Beam" that automatically switches between high beams and low beams

 The new car after April 2020 was required to install the "auto light" function.An auto light is a function that automatically lights the headlights when the outside brightness is 1000 lux or less.[Image] Too dazzling!Look at the latest headlights quickly (39)

「オートハイビーム」が眩しすぎて不評!? 本当に必要? ヘッドライト自動切り替えの問題点とは

Do you need an auto high beam?(The photo is an image)

 The darkness of the headlights varies from person to person, so in the sunset hours, the lit cars and cars that are not lit are mixed, and the risk of traffic accidents is increased, so automatically. It has a lighting function. In addition to this, the number of cases that have been equipped recently is increasing in the function of "auto high beam". This is a function to automatically switch between headlight low beams and high beams, but automatically switches high beams and low beams when oncoming vehicles or pedestrians are detected with a camera or radar. Some manufacturers are called "adaptive headlights". Article 52 of the Road Traffic Law, "Light of Vehicle, etc." stipulates that light time, type, and when passing each other will be reduced. In response to this, in Article 32 of the "Security Standards for Road Transport Vehicles" issued in 2012 (headlights), the front light light (headlights) of "for driving" and "passing" is defined. It is supposed to use "high beam (for driving)", and if there are oncoming vehicles or previous cars in urban areas, "low beam (for passing)" is to be used. Automatically performs this high beam and low beam switching automatically, an auto high beam is a tedious function, but the problem is that the switch between high beams and low beams is delayed depending on the road condition, and it may be dazzling of oncoming vehicles. It means that there is. The auto light function itself automatically turns on the headlights even in the morning or dusk or dusk, and it is very convenient that there is no need to switch manually when driving in tunnels. However, only for auto high beams with further functions gives the impression that there are many cases that bother others. * * * Some drivers seem to have developed into trouble because the switching of the auto high beam function tends to be delayed. "My car's auto high beam seemed to be dazzling, and I've been screamed in a passing," (20s, women), "If the following car is a high beam for a moment, I'm worried that it will be driving. There are cases where people are inconvenienced, such as "" (30s, male), such as "Men in their 30s). In fact, Auto High Beam has a good reputation from the driver, and the person who cancels the settings, such as "I read the instruction manual and canceled the auto high beam function because the timing of switching is delicate" (40s, male). I was there.

次ページは:オートハイビームだけじゃない!? LEDバルブで眩しさが倍増?

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