"the flag of the real killer" A mea...


"the flag of the real killer" A meaningful sentence from Aunt Cat echoed a message on "Cat Day" today.


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From the 17th episode of the drama "Guilty Flag"

『真犯人フラグ』猫おばさんの意味深な一言に反響 きょう「猫の日」にはオフショット投稿

The 17th episode of the drama "Guilty Flag" (NTV / every Sunday at 22:30) starring Hidetoshi Nishijima will be broadcast on the 20th. Aunt Neko (Atsuko Hirata) has a meaningful word from viewers, such as "Who?" And "Prophet?" [Photo] Aunt Cat holding a cat on "Cat Day" (Atsuko Hirata) When Mizuho (Kyoko Yoshine) is walking on the night road, a cat barks from anywhere and a cat aunt appears. .. When Mizuho mysteriously greeted "Thank you," she responded, "I'm glad she looked fine." As Mizuho was in trouble, she replied, "Oh ... thank you," and she tried to leave, saying, "She's sorry." Then, Aunt Cat said "telephone". Immediately after that, the ringtone of Mizuho's mobile phone echoes. She left the cat aunt, leaving a meaningful word, "You have to make a decision. Don't make a mistake anymore." The meaningful words that Aunt Cat gave to Mizuho said from the viewers, "Are you a supernatural power?" "Are you a prophet?" "Do you know everything?" "Aunt cat is not the culprit." "Who?" Also, on "Cat Day" on the 22nd, the official Instagram of "Guilty Flag" released an off-shot of an aunt cat hugging a cat and laughing at the camera. In this post, there were voices such as "Prophet?", "I want to know my real name soon", "It's a mystery every time I come out", "I was scared but I'm starting to look like a good person these days". Quote: Drama "Guilty Flag" Official Instagram (@shinhanninflag_ntv)

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