"Do you want to purify ethnic or ge...


"Do you want to purify ethnic or genocide?" Is the war stopped by US -English information that exposes Putin's war plan?

US President "The invasion will begin within a few days"

[Departing from London] Ukraine border has expanded more than 150,000 units and have begun to withdraw, and the Russian army has increased about 7,000 in the last two days, U.S. President Joe Biden said on the 17th.He is conducting a fake flag operation to make an excuse. We are ready to invade within a few days. "

Operation of fake flag is to justify the right of self -defense rights as if they were attacked by their own people and the military, as if they were attacked by a hostile country or terrorist.On the same day, the British Defense also posted a video on Twitter that Russia could invade Ukraine within a few days, and the UK Times decided that President Vladimir Putin had decided to invade Ukraine.He reported that he was watching.

Putin from the KGB (former Soviet National Security Committee) is said to not leave notes to prevent information leakage, and will not let his aides note even at a very limited inner circle meeting.For this reason, the US and British Information Organization is not likely to analyze Humint (collecting information by living spy), but analyze imints (image information) and sigin (intercept of communication, electromagnetic waves, signals, etc.) by reconnaissance satellite.

Before Biden boarded the U.S. Sea soldier Marine Wan in the White House, "Russia has a very high threat of invasion. Russia has not withdrawn the army.The second is that there is a reason to think that the fake flag strategy to create a war is being performed. They are ready for the invasion of Ukraine. Invasions may occur within a few days. "

"There is a clear diplomatic path remaining," he emphasized his attitude to keep negotiating with Putin.

U.S. Secretary -General "Possibility of purifying ethnic or ditching Genocide."

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Brinken also said at the United Nations Security Council on the 17th, "Russia is planning to make an excuse for invasion. Violent events and Russia will do Ukraine to Ukraine.It may be a ridiculous blame. "

The Russian war plan shown by Brinken is as follows:"I don't know what to do, such as terrorist bombing cases in Russia, fabrication of collective graveyards, drones (unmanned aircraft) attacks, disguise using chemical weapons, or actual attacks.Russia may call such an event a ethnic purification or genocide. "

Russian media has already begun to spread such hoaxes and propaganda, maximizing the anger of the Russian people and making a basis for justifying the war.The Russian government will then call an emergency conference to address the crisis that has been raised, and may declare that Russian people and Ukrainian Russians must respond.

And the attack begins.Russian missiles and bombs attack the entire Ukraine.Communication is obstructed by cyber attacks, and Ukraine's main institutions stop.Tanks and soldiers will advance towards important targets that have already made a careful plan.It also includes Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.There is also information that it targets a specific Ukrainian group.

「民族浄化やジェノサイドをデッチ上げか」プーチン氏の戦争計画をさらす米英 情報で戦争は止められるか

"Share what we know with the world can affect Russia to abandon the path of war and choose another way as we still have time.I am doing it today, not to start the war, but to prevent war, "I asked Russia to negotiate the Minsque agreement to solve the eastern Ukrainian dispute.。

Brinken emphasized that the United States is using information to protect peace, not war.The confidential information collected by the U.S. -English Information Organization has been secretly shared in the Five Eyes, an electronic spy alliance in the Anglo -Saxon -based five countries, centered on the United States and English.Even in the same liberal sphere, France or Germany, which are different from American diplomacy and security policies, were not provided.

Information war to stop war

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell in 2003 blamed the U.S. Information Organization information in the UN Security Council and accused the Iraqi Hussein administration, and appealed to the Iraqi War.However, after the war, no mass destroyed weapons were found.However, this is the first time that the United States and Britain have cooperated in real time around the world to avoid war.

Until now, disclosure of confidential information has not been much in the intelligence world because it will inform the other party how much information gathering ability is.Britain Winston Churchill, who had deciphered the Enigma (cryptographic) of Nazi Germany in World War II, chose information in prepared to sacrifice his ally because Adolf Hitler did not realize it.I used it.

But Russia escalates fake information campaigns.Russian International News Agency, Sputnik, reported on Tuesday that the Ukrainian army had used a mortar ban on the Minsk Agreement to bombard the Lugansk People's Live Division, which has declared independence from Ukraine.A hole was opened on the wall of the nursery, and three were injured.If you are silent, Russia's statement will be true.

Britain Boris Johnson said on the 17th, "The nursery has been bombarded. This is a fake flag strategy to reduce Ukraine's trust and create an excuse to trigger Russia.I am very afraid to happen for a few days. "

"If Russia is so crazy enough to invade, it will not end in a short period of time. It will be a long -term dispute with bloody and many casualties. It will include Russian casualties."

British government official "He's going to do it. That will be terrible."

The British Defense also said on the 17th, "Russia claims that some troops have completed military exercises, but there is no evidence to support it. The Russian army deployed more than half of the ground force on the Ukrainian border.There is a video on Twitter that claims to be the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The invasion could start within a few days.

"Ukraine is a buffer zone for Russia for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Putin doesn't like Ukraine approaching NATO. I want to restore Ukraine under Russian rule. Ukraine is an independent nation.Nevertheless, he considers it as part of Russia in history and culturally. That's why Putin wants a war. "

The Russian Navy is also active in the North Atlantic, Baltic Sea and Mediterranean, and concentrates troops on the northern border of Ukraine to invade Kyiv.According to the English Paper Times, highly British government officials have stated that Putin has not decided to invade, but in the last 24 hours, the situation has changed suddenly, "He is going to do it. It will be terrible."He said.

It is not without the risk of the information war set by the United States and Britain.Putin, who likes the inner circle, is said to have less opportunities to meet people with the social distance policy of the new Coronavirus Pandemic.Putin has been further hunted down in the US -English information war, and may not be able to listen to the government and the military opposition at all, and may run away.

In intelligence and sanctions alone, the "Putin Emperor", who is possessed by the delusion of "recovering the ancient Russian sacred place Kyiv from the US and European magic", will no longer be stopped.Even if Putin invades Ukraine, even if Putin is likely to fit into the swamp of the Afghanistan war of the former Soviet Union, it is armed to stop the dictator's invasion.
