Successful drone injection & data t...


Successful drone injection & data transfer from inside airbass flying drone The purpose is to use UAV simultaneously.



Plan for drones, UAVs, and simultaneous operation of 40 or more aircraft

The same type of air bus A400m used as a drone mother aircraft (image: Airbus).

 Airbus, a European aircraft manufacturer, announced on Monday, February 21, 2022 that it has succeeded in injiring a drone from a flying transport aircraft. [State of drone injection] Airbus A400m was used by various angles from A400m large transport aircraft and DO-DT25 drone, both of which are made of Airbus. The test took place in northern Germany. The content of the A400m rear cargo lamp is opened during the flight, and the drone is released to the rear space, and the drone can not crash as it is and starts autonomous flight in the air. The communication between A400m and drone, which became the launch mother machine, was always connected, and data was transferred without any problems. It is said that the parachute opened from the drone in a short time for the test, and returned to the ground safely. The Airbus is currently conducting A400m in operation as a platform for aerial injection of UAV (unmanned aircraft) containing drones, and this test is part of that. According to the explanation, it is possible to accommodate more than 40 drones and UAVs in the cabin, and A400m will be able to use it as an aerial platform that transports and injects drones in the future. On the other hand, Airbus has already succeeded in demonstration tests for simultaneous air control of five DO-DT25 drones by manned aircraft. By the way, the next A400m and DO-DT25 flight test will be held this year.

Virgin News Editorial Department
