Ukraine "Production of Turkish mili...


Ukraine "Production of Turkish military drones in Japan so that you can use it immediately on the battlefield" Competing against Russia by strengthening defense force

President Ukraine "Drone development technology is to strengthen defense."

In February 2022, the Ukrainian government with Russia's immediate tension has announced in February 2022 that it will produce a Turkish military drone "Viloctal TB2" in Ukraine.Ukrainian President Zelenceky and Turkish President Erdogan said in a joint conference.The tension between Russia and Ukraine will be getting worse.At a press conference, Ukrainian President Zelenceky commented, "Drone development technology will strengthen Ukraine's defense."

Turkish military company Baikal has already exported the military drone "Viloctal TB2" to Ukraine, but from now on, it will be transferred by production in Ukraine, and it takes time and cost to transport from Turkey.As it is gone, the military drone produced in Ukraine will be able to be used immediately as an immediate force.


Turkey is developing military drones worldwide, but Baikal is one of the most typical companies.The company's military drone "Viloctal TB2" is also purchased by Poland, Latvia, Albania, and African countries.It also provides Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Qatar.In a military collision over the agel bijan and Armenian dispute, which broke out in 2020, the Turkish attack drone was used in the dispute and contributed to the advantage of Azerbaijan.Ukraine, which is confronted with Russia, has already provided a military drone and is a major threat to Russia.

The attack drone is also called "KAMIKAZE DRONE (Kamikaze Drone)", "Suicide Drone", and "KAMIKAZE STRIKE (Kamikaze Strike)".There is also a blast and killing power.For Japanese people, some people may feel disgusted by such an attack -type drone to claim the "Kamikaze", but "Kamikaze Drone" is commonly used in media and military companies as a general noun in Europe and the United States.It is.

It is a major threat that a horde of attack drones rush into the ground from the sky and attack, and the psychological effects and destructive power on the target enemy are enormous.Drones are not expensive, so they can be purchased even if they are not a great power, and the attacker is useful because the risk of human soldiers is reduced.

▼ Baikal's attack drone "Viloctal TB2"