Yoshiki Muto, paying attention to t...


Yoshiki Muto, paying attention to the high -quality fish catching shot of over 50cm, "It's too cool" (Football Zone Web) --Yahoo! News



Post on SNS how Muto caught Akou

FW Yoshiki Muto who plays in Vissel Kobe [Photo: Yasushi Kobayashi]

 Yoshiki Muto Muto of Vissel Kobe updates his official Instagram. He revealed that he had caught a high -quality fish of over 50 centimeters, saying, "It's really cool." [Photo] Kobe FW Yoshiki Muto, an off -shot Muto, who caught a high -quality fish Akou of over 50cm, canceled his contract under the agreement with both Newcastle, England in August this year. On the 7th, Kobe joining was decided, and the J1 league has been in good shape with each game with 11 races and 5 goals. Currently, J1 is interrupted due to international A Matchweek, but Muto seems to be refreshing using off. "#Fishing#Akou 51cm" Muto wrote on Instagram like this, and uploaded a photo of a white tooth with a black sunglasses on a boat on a boat. Akou (pheasant hata) is a high -end fish called "phantom fish" because of its limited habitat. Moreover, it was over 50 cm. In the post, Kobe's colleague, Mayya Maekawa, commented, "Please invite me." Muto replied, "Next time." Fans said, "As expected," "It's too cool," and "nice size."

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