Yurikamome in Fukui? Ride Japan's f...


Yurikamome in Fukui? Ride Japan's first "unmanned small bus" that runs on an abandoned railroad line It was established for commuting to school and sightseeing

In Eiheiji Town, Fukui Prefecture, a transportation service using self-driving vehicles is being carried out using a promenade that has been maintained for a discontinued railroad line. What is the riding comfort and usage of this line, which will soon be in operation for one year?

Japan's first "unmanned and self-driving bus"

On the abandoned railroad tracks in Eiheiji Town, Fukui Prefecture, self-driving mobility "Zen Drive" is being operated by unmanned vehicles.

Yurikamome in Fukui? Click here for images of Japan's first "unmanned small bus" that runs on an abandoned railroad track.

Yurikamome in Fukui? Ride on Japan's first

 The site where the unmanned operation is taking place is about 2km of the discontinued line near Eiheiji Station, the last stop of the former Keifuku Electric Railway Eiheiji Line. The railroad was abolished in 2002, and the discontinued line was maintained as a pedestrian bicycle path named "Eiheiji San Road".

 The demonstration operation started in November 2018 in order to realize the government's "Last Mile Automated Driving" (a system that connects the nearest station to the final destination with an automated driving transport service). Based on the results, it will be in full operation from December 2020.

 The vehicle is an electric cart with a capacity of 6 people. Staff operate the vehicle remotely from the command post. Even if I say operation, I usually don't do work similar to maneuvering, just confirming getting on and off and starting.

 The main driver is the system, not the driver, and the system is "automated driving level 3", and there is no staff in the car, and it is "completely unmanned driving". It was a case. As of October 2021, there are only two cases, including the self-driving bus that operates two routes in Sakai Town, Ibaraki Prefecture.

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