Zero savings due to disappointing u...


Zero savings due to disappointing use of retirement allowance... 4 steps to reversal of retirement funds from age 60 [Supervised by FP]

(*The photo is an image / PIXTA)

I used up my retirement allowance for overseas travel, home renovation, and children's marriage funds, and entered my old age. Is it possible to prepare retirement funds from the age of 60 with zero savings? Yoshihiro Nagao, a financial planner, will teach you the best "pension technique".

Savings with unfortunate use of retirement allowance Zero... 4 Steps to Reversing Retirement Funds from Age 60 [Supervised by FP]</p><p>[Related article] Pension 3 million yen, savings 50 million yen... Reasons for zero savings after retirement</p><h2 id=Exhausted 10 million yen in retirement allowance and reduced to zero savings

Preparing retirement funds by the age of 60 is quite difficult. In asset management, you don't have to struggle if you save it easily, but it's quite difficult. Having said that, if you have zero savings, you will be uneasy. What should I do when I actually have zero savings at the age of 60? From here on, I would like to ask a person with zero savings to come up and think about money planning for a rich and enjoyable retirement. It is a simulation to make the 60-year-old from zero savings to "no need to worry about money" in retirement. Each simulation takes multiple steps to improve the household budget. Now, let's explain in detail what kind of "recovery" policy that allows you to live a rich post-retirement life up to the age of 100. Case Study ● Mr. Shibata (pseudonym) has been working at a listed company due to the unfortunate use of his retirement allowance. A family of five, his wife Yoshie and three children. I was working as a sales manager, so my salary was good, and there was also Yoshie's part-time income (less than 1.03 million yen). I'm close to a high-income earner, but I still struggled to make ends meet in my 50s. Two college students and one high school student. One million yen per year disappears from university tuition alone, and if you add everything else, the children will cost three million yen per year. I also pay a mortgage of 230,000 yen a month (2,760,000 yen a year). The money that comes in is going out right away, and I can't get enough of my savings. My children got a job safely, and I was relieved to reach the retirement age of 60. I received a retirement allowance of 10 million yen. Mr. Shibata, who has been working day and night, has a lot of things he wants to do after retirement. First, we went on a luxury aurora viewing tour, which had been a dream of Mr. Shibata for a long time. The cost is 1 million yen for two people. I'm also worried about the damage to my home that I haven't touched since I bought it. This is my home that I will continue to live in. In order to be able to live comfortably even in old age, we made drastic renovations at a cost of 7 million yen, such as barrier-free construction and kitchen replacement. Happily, my eldest son's marriage has been decided, and I will help him with 1 million yen. In addition, I bought a new car for 1 million yen. If you notice, the retirement allowance is Sukkarakan. However, Mr. Shibata had a corporate pension in addition to the lump-sum retirement payment. You can receive a monthly pension of 60,000 yen for 10 years.

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