"ZIP!" Morning drama "Monday, the p...


"ZIP!" Morning drama "Monday, the protagonist of Monday" Seita Nishioka, "It's very difficult because it's close to the opposite" <Interviews>

Interview with Nishioka Seita

The morning drama "Fantastic 31 Days before Sayonara", which is being broadcast on the morning information program "ZIP!"Seika Nishioka, who is the leading role of Monday in this work, talked about her audition, her impressions, common to her roles, and the morning routine.[See photos] The cool gaze is cool!Seiji Nishioka, staring at the camera, is a story in which the five protagonists spin the last 31 days due to meteorite clams from Monday to Friday, and five leading roles are spinning in a relay format.Nishioka plays Sato Kai, who is withdrawn in the "Monday protagonist".Two years ago, when I was a freshman in high school, I was withdrawn for a "reason", but I did not live a particularly dark life, but I have a strong self -esteem and approval desire, such as challenging YouTuber.One year after staying in the house, there was an announcement of a meteorite clashes, and he said that he was the most pleased in the world, but in fact he has a terrible talent.is.The leading role on Monday will be decided by Hello New Star, a viewer poll -type audition, which started with five of the about 150 up -and -coming actors of about 150 up -and -coming actors aiming for the next star.Nishioka, who had stated that "the last miracle of high school life!"Nishioka won the Grand Prix in 2019 in two Mr. Cons and a high school high school Misarcon.I have steadily acquired acting skills by appearing in dramas and stage.■ "I'm full of gratitude to everyone who supported me." -It was selected as a "Monday protagonist" by viewer voting audition, but please tell us your feelings when you decided to perform.I was very surprised.Thanks to everyone who voted, I am full of gratitude to everyone who supported me.――Did you have the response or feel of being selected as the starring?When I was selected as five candidates, I saw the other four performances, but everyone (acting) was really good ...I was very worried at first because they had a lot of parts that I didn't have.But I felt that there were many people who supported me, and I was a little confident.――Please tell us what was impressive in the audition.I auditioned with a lot of cameras because it was a public audition ( * distributing the audition on the TV), but since I had never had such an experience, I felt a little strange at first.bottom.But it was a good pressure and gave me a good stimulus.I auditioned three times with the final candidate, but there were etude in the screening.Etude was very important for five people, so that part could not be tasted with other auditions and it was a lot of fun.――What kind of character do you think of Sato Kai?The opening is a withdrawal, but it is an "active withdrawal" that is satisfied with my current life.Moreover, Kai is confident in myself, and I think that the world is not followed by me, but since I still live in a withdrawal, I go out and go out with others.If you communicate, you will feel a little withdrawn.I think it's nice to be a cute place where you are open and try to convey your thoughts desperately.――Are there anything you are conscious of in making the role of opening?It is very difficult because I have a different personality and is close to the opposite.I read the script and tried to open the way of speaking and behavior, but it didn't work well.I think I have to learn it as soon as possible ( * Interview is before crank -in).――It says that open and personality are close to the opposite, is Nishioka an active type?I agree.I don't really like being at home all day on holidays.It's okay to act alone, and I go to watch a movie alone and eat out.Earlier, when I went back to school, I went for a grilled meat lunch alone, and I was very worried about my eyes.Why?It seems that high school students wearing uniforms are grilling alone (laughs).Certainly, I was very embarrassed because I thought that high school students would not go to eat yakiniku from noon alone (laughs).――What would you do if the situation was destroyed like a drama?If you are one month left until the destruction of the earth, I just want to do what I want to do in that month.I'm particularly interested in Sky Diving and I really want to do it.Also, I want to go abroad, so I want to go to see the superb view of the world, such as Grand Canyon.――How are you afraid of Sky Diving?I've never been to the high of the sky diving, so I can't tell unless I actually go, but I might be scared when I go (laughs).But it looks really fun, so I want to do it someday.――Do you have a morning routine?When I wake up in the morning, my sleeping habit is always so great that I have a hairstyle that is exploding (laughs).So, in the morning, I will definitely get my hair wet and prepare it before leaving the house.I really want to take a shower, but in the morning it is quite a type that happens, so I don't have time ... (laughs).Also, it takes a lot of time to choose clothes every morning.If you prepare at night, you don't have to panic in the morning, but you want to change depending on the mood of getting up in the morning and the mood of the day (laughs).I always worry for a long time.―― Spring is a milestone season, so please tell us what you want to stop and what you want to challenge.What I want to stop is to eliminate wasted time.In the previous question, as I said that it takes time to choose clothes, it's very indecisive.I really thought about deciding what to eat with rice.I'm cooking myself and cooking myself, but I'm wondering if I'm going to the supermarket after going to the supermarket, and I'm wondering if this is better.I feel like I'm wasting time, so I want to fix it.What I want to challenge is muscle training.Recently, there are so many friends around me who are starting muscle training, and everyone has started going to the gym.I heard that it would be refreshing, and I'm thinking of starting.
